Page 190 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 190
12Soma Cube Unit

Material Geo Cubes, Colored Pencils

2 . Use all 7 Soma cube pieces to make a piece of furniture. 2. Have students play a game using Soma
Cube pieces to make a piece of furniture.
Let’s Play
This game tests students’ mastery of the
1. Play with a partner. What you need: concepts taught in this unit by challenging
2. Each pair assembles a piece of furniture using Geo Cubes Colored Pencils them to make more complex shapes than
they have made in the other puzzles. It also
all of the 7 Soma Cube pieces. encourages them to visualize abstract shapes
from familiar objects.
piece: Have each student work with a partner. Tell
them they will have 30 seconds to form the
seven Soma Cube pieces into a piece of
furniture. Give them more time if no one has
completed the task in the time allotted. The
winner is the team that finishes first.

If time allows, have students build other
furniture pieces or objects using the Soma
Cube pieces.

Chair Bed

12. Soma Cube 105

If students are having difficulty, suggest they make
quick sketches of the objects they are trying to
create with the Soma Cube pieces. Caution them
that when they try to create the objects with the
Soma Cube pieces, their objects will not look
exactly like the object would look in real life. For
example, a chair usually has four legs. They do not
have enough pieces to create an exact replica of a
chair. They are striving to create an object that
resembles the actual object.

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