Page 188 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 188
12Soma Cube Unit

Material Geo Cubes GUESS , Round 1
CHECK Explain that when they guess which pieces
Round 1 are needed to form the figures, they should
not make a random guess. They should
GUESS examine the Soma Cube pieces carefully and
CHECK , try to figure out what pieces are needed by
imagining or visualizing how the pieces
START might fit together.

GUESS , Some students may need help coming up
CHECK with a systematic method for making their
guesses. Have them try this approach:
CHECK , , CHECK 1. Look at the figure on the card. Decide
which pieces could form that figure.

2. Are there hidden parts? Which pieces have
a shape that might fit into the hidden part?

3. Imagine (visualize) how the pieces should
be placed to form the large figure.

4. Write down your guess.

After the students have assembled the figure
correctly, have them draw outlines of the
pieces on the figure in their textbook and use
different colors to indicate which pieces they
used to make the shape.



12. Soma Cube 103

How to Play the Game: Round 1
Step 1. Have students look at the cards that appear on page 103. Working on one card at a time, they should

begin with the card labeled START at the top right. Ask them to guess which Soma Cube pieces are
needed to form the figures. Be sure they write down their answers before going to step 2.
Step 2. Have students check their guesses by assembling the figures using the pieces they chose.
Step 3. If the figure matches the illustration, they can go to the next problem. If it does not match, they need to
guess again and assemble a new figure until the figure matches the illustration.
Step 4. The winner is the first person who gets all the answers correct.

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