Page 186 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 186
12Soma Cube Unit

Material Geo Cubes, Colored Pencil

2 . Assemble the Soma Cube pieces given on the left to make the figure 2. Have students solve the four puzzles.
These problems involve visualization as well as
on the right. actually forming the figures. They will help
students begin to make the connection
What you need: Colored Pencils between the three-dimensional figures and their
representation as two-dimensional drawings.

a. A B

b. A B A For each puzzle, they should assemble the two
B small Soma Cube pieces on the left to form the
large figures on the right. Then, have them color
B the drawing of the large figures in their textbook
A using different colored crayons to indicate
where each Soma Cube piece belongs in the
B large figure.

A B A For these problems, they can use a trial-and-
12. Soma Cube 101
c. error approach. That is, they can take the two

smaller figures and try different ways of fitting

them together until they form a piece that

matches the illustration.

Refer to .



Trial-and-Error Method

1. Select one piece from the left column.
2. Place it in the position you think will help form the figure on the right.
3. Try to fit the other piece from the left column so it forms the figure on the right.
4. If the figure you formed does not match the figure in the book, take apart the figure.
5. Rotate the piece you selected first so it is in a different position.
6. Try to fit the other piece so it forms the figure on the right.
7. Repeat this process until you have created a form that matches the large figure.

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