Page 154 - NUMINO TG_1A
P. 154
09Favorite Animal Unit

Material Geo Cubes, Bag, Colored Pencils
Math VoCabulary bar graph: a graph that uses bars to show data

3 Use the data. Draw a bar graph. bar graph

Then answer the questions. 3. Have students complete the bar graph
using the chart from question 1.
Bar graph makes it easier to
read data. Have them answer questions like the
following after they have solved the
The number at the end of problems in question 3.
the bar shows how many. What does the longest bar in the bar
graph show? It shows the color of the cube
Sample Answers that was picked the most.
Without looking at the numbers at the
Red bottom of the graph, can you see which
color was picked the least?
Color Yellow The shortest bar shows the colored cube
that was picked the least.
Blue What are the similarities between a bar
graph and a picture graph?
Green A1: Both graphs show the number of items

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 in each group.
Number of Times Picked A2: I can compare the items in one glance.
What is the difference between a bar
a Which color was picked the most? Blue graph and a picture graph?
A bar graph uses bars, but a picture graph
b Which color was picked the fewest times? Red uses pictures.

c Which color was picked more than blue? None

d Which color was picked fewer times than red? None

9. Favorite Animal 87

What to Watch Out for When Drawing a Bar Graph
Have students understand that the information they see along the horizontal line in a bar graph shows how
many of something is in the data, and the the information along the vertical line shows the types or
categories of the data.
When they are drawing a bar graph, let students know that they cannot miss any squares between the
colored squares, and they must color the squares from left to right.
After students have finished coloring in the bar graph, have them compare the numbers at the end of each
bar in the bar graph and the numbers shown in the tally chart to check if they have colored the bar graph

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