Page 58 - 《振东学术·心脑专刊》2020年8月第3期总39期
P. 58
[Abstract] ObjectiveObjective: To investigate the effect of air pump combined with multidimensional nursing intervention on
the pre-thrombotic state of patients with primary nephrotic syndrome and its effect on the levels of BPC,aPTT and
PT. Methods:Methods: 120 patients with primary nephrotic syndrome were randomly divided into two groups,60 cases each.
Patients in the control group were given multidimensional nursing intervention, and patients in the experimental
group were given pneumatic pump treatment on the basis of the control group.Patients in both groups continued
treatment for 1 month.The incidence of thrombus 3 months after treatment and the changes of BPC,aPTT and PT.
plasma viscosity,whole blood viscosity,erythrocyte sedimentation rate and hematocrit before and after treatment were
compared between the two groups. ResultsResults: After treatment,the incidence of thrombus in the experimental group was
significantly lower than that in the control group (P>0.05). After treatment,BPC levels were significantly reduced
and aPTT、PT levels were significantly increased in the two groups (P<0.05). And the experimental group improved
significantly(P<0.05).Plasma viscosity,whole blood viscosity,erythrocyte sedimentation rate and hematocrit levels
were significantly reduced in the two groups after treatment (P<0.05). In addition,there was a significant decrease in
the experimental group (P<0.05). ConclusionConclusion: The use of pneumatic pump combined with multidimensional nurs-
ing intervention in patients with primary nephrotic syndrome can prevent the formation of venous thrombosis and
improve the hypercoagulability of blood.
[Keywords] Pneumaticpump;Multidimensionalnursingintervention;Primarynephroticsyndrome;Prethromboticstate
肾病综合征(nephrotic syndrome,NS)是临床上 (维蛋白原)>4.0 g/L,PT缩短>3 s;排除标准:伴有严
一种常见肾内科疾病,主要以水肿、大量蛋白尿、高 重心脑血管疾病、全身感染、免疫性疾病等严重疾
脂血症、低蛋白血症为临床表现,机体处于高凝状 病者;患有精神疾病不能配合治疗者。
态,易并发深静脉血栓、肾静脉血栓和肺血栓栓塞 采用随机数字表法分为两组各60例。对照组:
等静脉血栓栓塞性疾病,严重威胁患者的生命 。 男30例,女性30,年龄32~65(46.91±5.78)岁,病程
并且大多数NS患者血栓前状态没有典型的临床表 3~13(6.77±2.17)个月。
现,给患者的诊断、治疗和护理带来较大困难 。研 实验组:男 31 例,女 29 例,年龄 32~65(46.79±
究表明护理干预对于NS患者血栓前状态具有较好 5.70)岁,病程 3-13(6.64±2.13)个月。两组患者一
的效果,能够降低静脉血栓的发生率 。本文探讨 般资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),有可比性。
了气压泵联合多维度护理干预对原发NS患者血栓 1.2 方法
前状态的效果及其对 BPC(血小板计数)、aPTT(活 1.2.1 对照组患者给予多维度护理干预 首先对患
化部分凝血活酶时间)、PT(凝血酶原时间)的影响。 者进行血栓风险评估分级,风险较低的患者给予常
1 资料和方法 改变患者生活方式 护理人员应该指导患
1.1 研究对象 选取 2016 年 3 月~2019 年 3 月我院 者进低脂肪、优质蛋白、清淡、富含维生素等降低血
收治的原发性NS患者120例。纳入标准:患者均符 液黏滞度的相关食物,减少食盐摄入;避免食用高
合原发性NS的诊断标准 。 胆固醇类食物及动物脂肪,指导患者规定每日饮水
血栓前状态诊断标准 aPTT 缩短>10 s;Fbg 固定时间饮水,避免因饮水量过少导致患者血液发
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