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Activity 1   Tuning in: Characteristics of living things

                                                                                                Time: 60 minutes
                                         By the end of this activity the learners should be able to :
                                         •  Know and identify living and non-living things
             Resources                   •  Sort things into living and non-living categories

             •  An A3 size “What
               Make Things Alive?”          Teacher guidelines
               learner task sheet
               (one per group)             1.   Organize learners into groups of 3–5 per group. Give each
             •  two different                 group a pencil crayon.
               coloured pencil
             •  data projector and         2.  Distribute to each group a “What Makes Things Alive?”
               computer                       learner task sheet.

                                           3.  Instruct learners to think and write on the left hand side of
                                              the “What Make Things Alive?” sheet what they think makes
                                              something alive? Allocate 10 minutes to this.

             Useful Websites               4.  Stop the learners and have a brief discussion of what
                                              characteristics they have thought of in their groups. Tell
                learners that after the movie, they may have some more
             v=p51FiPO2_kQ                    characteristics to add to their task sheet.

                                           5.  Show the 5-minute video clip: “Introduction to the
                                              characteristics of life”

             The operational               6.  Give the learners a second pencil crayon. Ask learners to
             definition of life:              write on the right hand side of the “What Makes Things
             In an organism, a                Alive?” sheet the characteristics they have learnt about in the
             condition in which               video. Allocate 10 minutes to this.
             there is reproduction,
             growth, development,
             metabolism, use of            7.  Ask one group to present their sheet to the class. Then
             energy, excretion,               conduct a whole class discussion to reach a consensus on
             response to stimuli              what the characteristics of life are.
             and composition
             of cells
                                           8.  Have the learners write down in their books the
                                              characteristics of life that the class has collaboratively
                                              decided on.

             6    Resource Toolkit for Intermediate Phase

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