Page 2 - Trabajo Integrador RUBIN SUSANA
P. 2

Table of Contents

                  1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

                  2. Five texts of the English text Comprehension Course  ................................... 2

                      2.1  First Text: University Students, Professors Clash over 'Free Speech' . 2

                      2.2  Second Text: A Look at the Obamas’ New House. (May 26, 2016) ..... 4

                      2.3  Third Text: How Will Driverless Technology Change Our Lives? .......  5

                      2.4  Fourth Text: Part-Time professors Demand Full-Time Work ............... 8

                      2.5  Fifth Text: The Impact and reach of MOOCs; a developing

                            Countries’ perspective ....................................................................... 10

                  3.  Reflection and self-assessment .............................................................................. 14

                  4. Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 15
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7