Page 6 - Trabajo Integrador RUBIN SUSANA
P. 6
I do believe that sometimes both in the United States as well as in Mexico, limits of
morality, private life and the rights of others have not been respected and have
been abused. As Benito Juarez already said, "Between individuals as well as
between nations, other’s rights respect is peace." I believe that people should be
cautious on one´s expressions. All communication is possible while respect is kept
and the ideas of others are tolerated, even though they are different or contrary to
Did you use the glossary at the end of it or a dictionary?
I did not use any when reading the article, but I had to read it four times to
understand it well.
Writing this opinion was hard for me, it has been too long since I write in English for
the last time. I used orthography review and thesaurus included in Word.
2.2 Second Text: A Look at the Obamas’ New House. (May 26, 2016)
1) Skimming of “A look at the Obama-s New House”.
I assume the article talks about where he and his family will be living after his term
ends. How many bedrooms are there, how many bathrooms, whether or not there
is a pool, a fireplace, a garage? Perhaps the article describes one or several guest
rooms. The article probably contains the description of the neighbourhood, climate
and vegetation of the area, as well as historical places nearby.
2) Scanning for vocabulary and tenses from activity 2 and 3.
The president and first lady announced earlier this year that they planned to stay
in Washington until Sasha, completes high school.
The new Obama home was built in 1928.