Page 3 - Trabajo Integrador RUBIN SUSANA
P. 3
1. Introduction
This document is divided into 5 parts; each part of them is about a text of each
week of the course.
The contents of the first text: University Students, Professors Clash over 'Free
Speech' are divided in four parts. The first one discusses the type of text and the
intention of the author. Examples of vocabulary related to the categories handled in
the word map are listed. Examples of simple present or present continuous located
in the text are displayed. At the end, my opinion of the article and the statement on
whether I use or not, the glossary or a dictionary.
The second text is A Look at the Obamas’ New House, and has to do with reading
The third week´s text was about driverless technology, which deals with how this
technology will change our lives when it is already in use. It has three parts, the
first is about the first impression I have without reading it, only from images and so.
The second required me to scan the text looking for future tenses. In the next I was
asked to read it and see if it fulfilled my predictions. It finishes with my opinion
about the article and answering about the use of the glossary or any dictionary at
the time of writing this work.
The fourth week´s text talked about part time professors and their need and
demand on full-time work. This work is about how badly paid part-time teachers are
in the United States, and the disagreement they have been expressing in recent
It's got five parts. The first one asks one to propose questions to be answered by
the text; the second ask one to predict according to images and fonts of what it
is.the text about. The third raises several questions about the text. The fourth calls