Page 5 - Trabajo Integrador RUBIN SUSANA
P. 5


                                Free speech fits into higher education.

                                Bass is the provost at AU.
                                Faculty senate at AU shares this view.

                                He says the faculty chose to approve the statement.

                                Most Muslims object to drawings of Mohammed.
                                Campbell says students protest.

                                He agrees that universities hold power …

                           Present Continuous

                                Universities are debating.

                                University leaders are discussing.
                                People that are not furthering a greater good.

                  4)     Answer following questions

                  What is your opinion about the article?

                  Freedom of expression is a human right which is contained in the constitutions of
                  various countries around the world (Articles 6 and 7 of the Political Constitution of

                  the United Mexican States and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human

                  Rights).  Legislation  in  Mexico  establishes  it  as  a  human  right,  freedom  of
                  expression, orally, in writing, or through new information technologies, without any

                  censor,  subjected  yet  to  the  responsibilities  law  specifically  states.  Limits  are
                  included  to  prevent  attacks  on  morals,  privacy,  the  rights  of  others,  as  well  as

                  crimes and disturbance of public order. Freedom of expression allows democracy

                  to rise in a country and it is the State’s responsibility to protect this right.

                  Schools’  classrooms  must  be  spaces  of  freedom  to  think  and  express  ideas,  to
                  learn and grow.
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