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                                     KERRIE BAEHR

             When you look at the reasons volunteering is important, it’s not only about the impact we can make in
             the lives of those less fortunate but the role it can play in making us more tolerant and giving individuals
             towards the global community. Each of us should be willing to offer our own time and expect nothing in
             return. But the truth is that volunteering will bring a world of rewards you might never have expected.
             KloecknerCares gives all employees the opportunity to do just that. We caught up with Kerrie Baehr, a
             long-standing volunteer, to get her point of view on KloecknerCares.
             Kerrie, what does KloecknerCares mean to you?

             "KloecknerCares means that we have an organization that wants our employees to be healthy and safe.
             They give great advice that is not only for us as employees but things we can bring home to our families
             to keep them safe and healthy. It is also a way for our companies to connect to make not only Kloeckner a
             safe place to work but to help make us feel important and involved in the process. Giving to our community
             is one of the best things we can do and I love that I am a part of it."

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