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Do you know the OD minus 2 times WT (schedule) slit and then rolled up into a round
difference between Pipe pulling it through sizing rolls. No shape and the ends are welded
and Tube? determines the inside diameter together. From there, the tubing
(ID) of a pipe, which determines can simply be cut to a certain
People often think that both ways starts out round! Tubes are length as round tubing, or it can
are the same. They both can be the liquid capacity of the pipe. In be further deformed into other
seamless or welded. However, indicated with an outer diameter shapes, such as square, rectan-
there are significant differences our industry, when we talk about gular, oval, etc. This is done by
between pipe and tube. A pipe the pipe, we tend to call out an matter what its final shape, it al-
is round. A tube can be round, inches or in millimeters. In our (OD) and wall thickness (WT), in
square, rectangular, or oval in (ID) and schedule, like 2-inch industry, buyers often refer to
shape. Pipes are primarily de- schedule 40, or 14 -inch extra -ples of wall thicknesses are 11
signed to carry fluids and gases, the item they want as an (OD) gauge, 1/4”, 3/8”, and 5/8”. Tub-
regardless of the industry in heavy. Examples of walls or and foot lengths, but can be easily
which they are deployed. Tubes wall thickness (WT). Examsched- produced in custom lengths.
can also transport fluids and ules are Sch. 40, Sch. 80, Sch.
gases but are typically designed Standard (STD), Sch. XS/XH,
for many more applications than and Sch. XXS. Most pipe ing
the pipe, including industrial, is sold in 20-, 24-, 40- and 48-is
medical, aerospace, military, sold in 21- or 42-foot lengths.
transportation and architecture
and construction.
What is Tubing?
What is Pipe?
The word tube refers to round,
Pipe has been produced in the square, rectangular, and oval
US since the early 1800s. Pipe hollow sections that are used
is a hollow section with a round for pressure equipment, for me-
cross-section, primarily made for chanical applications, and for
the transportation of products in- instrumentation systems. Steel
cluding fluids, gas, pellets, pow- tubing can be made from various
ders, and more. But steel pipes raw materials, like iron, carbon,
are used in a varie-ty of ways. manganese, vanadium, and zir-
They are used un-derground conium. Like pipe, tubing can
for transporting water and gas be produced as either seamless
throughout cities and towns. or welded. Seamless tubing is a
They are also specified in con- solid block of steel that is rolled
struction to protect electrical into a round shape and then
wires. Steel pipes can be strong, pierced and stretched into its fi-
but lightweight. This makes them nal length. Think of taking a wad
great for bicycle frames. They are of playdough and rolling it into a
also used in the making of parts cylinder. Then push your finger
for automobiles, refrigeration through the middle and make
units, heating and plumbing sys- it longer with the extra dough.
tems, flagpoles and street lamps, That’s how it’s produced, but it’s
just to name a few. The most hot and spinning and complete-
important dimension for a pipe is ly done with machines. Welded METAL EXPLAINED
the outer diameter (OD) togeth- steel tubing, on the other hand,
er with the wall thickness (WT). is made from the coil. The coil is WITH EDDIE TOTH