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3. Levels of energy, stress, or fatigue will vary from one person to another.
4. Each person is responsible for his/her own learning.
5. Each person is responsible for his/her goals.
6. Each person will have a different set of priorities.
7. Each person will be treated with respect.
One definition of supervision is "overviewing or overseeing". A supervisor is a person who
reflects what she/he sees as accurately and clearly as possible. The process of supervision is not
friendship, or counselling, or spiritual direction, or therapy although there may be occasions
when it will include some or all of those processes. The supervisor acts as a consultant,
encouraging, challenging and always sharing in the faith ministry journey upon which both are
embarked. The supervisor participates fully in the process contributing to group life through
sensitivity and caring. Observations are offered in clear descriptive, constructive and caring
Basic Assumptions of Supervisor:
1. The supervisor has general competence plus specialized training and experience.
2. The supervisor works as hard as the resident, but does not do the resident's work for
3. The supervisor's style of operating is open for feedback.
4. The supervisor will use her/his interaction with residents in the program for professional
development for him/herself.
5. The intention is to be helpful, to hurt or damage no one, even when, through confrontation
one experiences stress or pain.
6. The supervisor will be available to residents on as wide a basis as possible, but the
supervisor also has professional responsibilities and personal needs that require regular
time away from the group for preparation, consultation, and self care.
7. The supervisor and the residents are ministers of God, attempting to be faithful. All of life,
the special times, the everydayness, the mistakes and the successes are lived in God's
Each resident will be assigned to specific patient care areas.
Each resident will attend the interprofessional rounds on their assigned areas when possible.
Residents should report to the Patient Care Coordinator or the Charge Nurse, when you arrive
on the unit, so that the staff are aware of your presence. It is in the nursing station that you can
find out about new patients, receive referrals from staff and gain information from the patient's
charts. To become involved in the life of the patient care unit provides an opportunity to find
your place as a spiritual care practitioner within the clinical team. It is also important to
maintain regular contact with the Nurse Manager
Each resident will be expected to take their turn working Saturday or Sunday 0830-1630 hours.
In these cases the resident will have Monday off ‘in lieu’ of working on the weekend.