P. 64

The on-call person carries the pager at all times, (416) 719-1234. If the on-call
                  8  pager becomes disabled during the time you are on-call, please bring it to the
                       switchboard office at any site.
                       When making phone calls to other sites, use respective prefixes before a four-

                  9  digit number: TG – 14, TWH – 13, PM – 16. For TR please dial 416-597-3422,
                       ext. ____
                       There are long distance codes for TGH, PMH, and TRI.  These must be entered
                       first, followed by 9 for an external number and 1 for long distance.

                 10    TGH – 02345
                       PMH – 116 501 925

                       TRI - 4330
                       After 22:00 hrs, you can enter TG/TW through either main door by swiping
                       your badge. Enter PM either through the Murray Street entrance or through
                 11  the University Avenue entrance by swiping your hospital badge. If you cannot
                       get in to PM, use the intercom to contact security, show your identification

                       and enter.
                       On weekends, the on-call person is responsible for making rounds to the
                 12  critical areas (ie. MSICU, CVICU, CCU, ER) at TG and (MSNICU, ER) at TW, and
                       palliative care (16th floor) at PM.
                       The on-call person documents all pages in an on call log on the UHN Spiritual

                 13  Care Shared Drive. To add the shared drive to your computer profile, see the
                       “Devices & Printers” section of this e-book.
                       If paged to a unit that has assigned coverage at the time of the page, on-call is
                       required to collaborate with the person assigned to the unit.  The person
                       assigned to the unit will then communicate to on-call that the referral has or
                       will be followed up on so that the on-call person can complete the on-call log.
                       If paged to a unit that has assigned coverage the on-call is required to
                       communicate with the assigned Spiritual Care Practitioner, through UHN

                       email, regarding their involvement with the patient or family. This can be
                       done by forwarding the on-call log for the particular patient.
                       The Department of Spiritual care is part of the Code Blue fan out at TW,
                       Krembil Discovery Tower (TWH) and TG. The on-call person goes to all Code
                       Blue calls in order to offer support to families, significant others, staff and
                       other patients. There is a Code Blue test every day at 10:00 and 22:00, which

                       requires a call back to switchboard at TGH and TW. These pages do not
                       require to be logged.
                       If a patient or family requests a Roman Catholic Priest, refer to policy for
                       Roman Catholic Priest.
                       For consultation regarding organ and tissue donation, please call Trillium Gift
                       of Life Network at (416) 363-4438.
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