P. 67
University Health Network
Policy & Procedure Manual
Spiritual Care Department
C C. .P P. .E E. . D Di is sm mi is ss sa al l f fr ro om m P Pr ro og gr ra am m
The contract for Clinical Pastoral Education (C.P.E.) covers the period of time
specified in the Letter of Offer to the student. Dismissal initiated by the Teaching
Supervisor or the organization prior to the completion of the educational program
is an exception and is approached with specific caution and care. Students or
residents may elect to withdraw from the educational program at any point.
1. Students who elect to withdraw from the educational program will give
notice in writing two weeks prior to the date of their departure.
2. In cases where a process of dismissal is initiated by the Teaching
Supervisor or the organization, the decision will be based on the following
principles and guidelines:
The student is not fulfilling the educational requirements of the program as
specified in the Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education
(CASC) Standards for Education.
Behaviour deemed professionally not acceptable, according to the CASC
Code of Conduct, CASC Standards of Practice, or UHN Code of Conduct.
Substantive concerns and/or issues regarding the student’s practice is
communicated to the Teaching Supervisor(s) from personnel within the
In these instances, there will be written and dated documentation
demonstrating communication between the supervisor and student seeking
remediation of issues that may lead to dismissal, and all efforts made in that
regard. The decision regarding dismissal will be based on the principles and
guidelines as outlined in the policy.
This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material
by any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
Policy Number 1-20-008 Original Date 09/99
Section Education Revision Date(s) 12/14
Issued By Department of Spiritual Care Review Date 12/17
Approved By Clinical Director Page 1 of 2