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Departments. The voucher receipt is to be returned to the Administrative
                          Assistant for documentation purposes. Beck taxi vouchers are only to be used
                          with Beck Taxis and not another taxi company.
                       6.  After 2200 hrs, you can enter TGH/TWH through any main door by swiping your
                          badge. Enter PMH either through the Murray Street entrance or through the
                          University Avenue entrance by swiping your hospital badge. If you cannot get in
                          to PM, use intercom to contact security, show your identification and enter.
                       7.  When making phone calls to other sites, use respective prefixes before a four-
                          digit number: TGH – 14, TWH – 13, PMH – 16. E.g.: telephone number for PMH
                          is 16-4460, at TGH, the number is 14-4055. For TRI use the full #, i.e. 416-597-
                          3422, ext.
                       8.  The on-call person carries a pager (416) 719-1234. If the on-call pager becomes
                          disabled during the time you are on-call, please bring it to or call the
                          switchboard/pager office at TGH NU G-124.
                       9.  The on-call person is part of the Code Blue fan out at TWH and TGH. The on-
                          call person attends all Code Blue calls in order to offer support to families,
                          significant others, staff and other patients. There is a Code Blue test every day at
                          1000 and 2200 hrs, which requires a call back to switchboard at TGH and TWH.
                       10. If a patient or family requests a Roman Catholic Priest, refer to policy for Roman
                          Catholic Priest.
                       11. For consultation around organ and tissue donation, please call Trillium Gift of Life
                          Network at (416) 363-4438.
                       12. In the case where a code is called that requires a fan out at night or on the
                          weekend, the on-call person is responsible for contacting the department
                          manager who will then initiate a fan out.
                       13. The on-call person is meant to attend to requests for spiritual care that come
                          through the on-call pager.
                       14. In cases where the on-call shift is so busy that not all of the requests are dealt
                          with during the shift, the most urgent are attended to and any remaining would be
                          handed off to the next on-call person.
                       15. If the on-call person is paged, responds to the page and the patient/ family
                          member is not available (i.e. sleeping, left the unit etc.), the on-call person
                          instructs the staff on the Unit to make a fresh request by paging again if care is
                          still required. The on-call person would not keep following up nor would she/he
                          hand off the case to the next person on-call.
                       16. Sometimes it is apparent that a patient requires ongoing care but is not on a unit
                          where a Spiritual Care Practitioner is assigned. Other times it is apparent that the
                          same individual has the on-call paged repeatedly. ALL of these cases should be
                          directed to the Practice Leader, in order to determine who, if any of the team
                          should be assigned to follow the patient regularly. The case may come back to
                          whoever initially saw the patient but ongoing cases in non-assigned areas are
                          determined by the Practice Leader.
                       17. The Evening or Weekend on-call person is not meant to be dealing with routine
                          spiritual care referrals which staff or residents were unable to attend to during
                          business hours unless asked to do so by the Practice Leader.

             This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN).  UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material
              by any person or organization not associated with UHN.  No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
                    permission of UHN.  A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
            Policy Number   1-20-010                            Original Date   09/99
            Section       Spiritual Care Services               Revision Date(s)   05/2018
            Issued By     Spiritual Care                        Review Date     05/2020
            Approved By                                         Page            2 of 3
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