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Each resident will participate in the on-call rotation between 1630 and 2300 hours.
               These shifts are paid and this is how residents accrue an income.

               Clinical case conferences are scheduled weekly.  At these conferences, residents will take turns
               presenting  spiritual  care  visits,  with  an  analysis  of  the  visit  following  the  provided  template.
               Role playing will be one of the tools used, as well as direct dealing with the written spiritual care
               visit reports.

               Each resident will have a personal supervisory session per week.  The resident is responsible for
               providing agenda for these meetings.

               Some questions or issues you may want to address include:
               1.  Discussion of comments on your Weekly Reflection Reports, Spiritual Care Reports.
                      2.  The way your theology/spirituality shapes your spiritual care giving.
               3.         The focus of your spiritual care giving.
               4.         The spiritual care provider image emerging for you.
               5.         The way your spiritual care giving shapes your theology/spirituality.
               6.         Issues in ministry you are facing.
               7.         Gifts you need to develop in order to provide spiritual care more effectively.
               8.         Personal and professional sources you need to seek out.
               9.         How is this spiritual care giving stretching you personally and professionally.

               Sessions  to  educate  the  resident  about  particular  clinical,  organizational,  professional,  etc.,
               topics will be part of the regular weekly schedule.  .

               Theory  sessions  will  be  conducted  when  an  issue  arises  in  the  process  of  spiritual  care
               supervision.    Your  involvement  in  these  sessions  will  assist  you  in  relating  the  material
               presented to your role as Spiritual Care Practitioner.

               TST EMBEDDED COURSE
               Most CPE units will have the opportunity for the resident to enrol in an academic course at the
               university. This course will complete the requirements for the degree, or CASC certification, or
               contribute to the resident’s identified learning goals.

               DIRECTED READING
               In cases where a resident does not enrol in an academic course, they will be expected to do
               reading  in  relation  to  their  learning  goals.  You may  consult  with  your  supervisor  regarding  a
               directed reading program. Your supervisor may ask you to submit
               a written reflection on an area of interest. This part of the program is usually negotiated with
               your supervisor.

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