P. 79
P Pr ro oc ce ed du ur re e
Reporting the Absence
1. According to UHN policy, the student/employee must contact and negotiate with
their supervisor with respect to their absence and expected return date. The
student/employee will need to state the reason of their absence, the anticipated
duration, as well as any assistance they may require from UHN.
2. If the student does not know when they will be able to return, the supervisor must
be contacted on each day of absence to indicate that he/she will not be in for the
3. The student is responsible for keeping track of the number of hours they have
missed and making up the time in negotiating with their supervisor.
I. Absence: An absence from work is defined as the failure of any employee to
report to work when scheduled. Education time is non-negotiable with the
exception of illness. Personal therapy time is not considered absenteeism.
UHN defined one day of absence as one (1) incident. A second day of
continual absence is still considered one incident. Staff and students who
have an absenteeism of more than 37.5 hours and/or 3 instances in a 6
month period will receive a warning letter. The 6 month periods will run from
January – June and July – December.
II. Tardy: Tardiness occurs when an employee is not present, and ready to begin
working, at his/her scheduled time. Tardiness also occurs when an employee
leaves work prior to the end of their scheduled shift without prior approval.
III. Notification Procedure: Students are expected to follow University Health
Network’s notification procedures if they will be late, leave early, or absent. At
the time of notification, the student must notify their supervisor the reason for
their absence.
This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material
by any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
Policy Number 1-30-014 Original Date 08/2014
Section Education Revision Date(s)
Issued By Department of Spiritual Care Review Date 08/2017
Approved By Clinical Director Page 2 of 2