P. 76
1. The student requests a review of his/her concern with the Teaching
Supervisor. If this conversation is satisfactory, no further action is required. If
not he/she proceeds to STEP 2.
The student may proceed directly to STEP 2 if he/she feels that the
issue cannot be discussed with the Teaching Supervisor.
2. In the event that a student feels that he/she cannot discuss the concern with
the Teaching Supervisor, he/she may consult with the senior management
person to whom the Department of Spiritual Care reports to in order to outline
their concern.
3. The senior management person of the Department of Spiritual Care will meet
separately with the student, and the Teaching Supervisor to consider the
concern that has been raised with a view towards resolution. Any action to be
taken will be consistent with UHN policies.
4. A response will be given to all the parties involved in the STEP 2 process.
Note: Where a grievance cannot be resolved in the above manner the student is
referred to the C.A.S.C grievance procedure, which is intended to provide a process of
resolution that is positive and constructive. A copy of the Grievance Procedure can be
found in the C.P.E. Policy and Procedure Manual.
This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material
by any person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without
permission of UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
Policy Number 1-30-011 Original Date 09/99
Section Education Revision Date(s) 08/14
Issued By Department of Spiritual Care Review Date 08/17
Approved By Clinical Director Page 2 of 2