P. 77
University Health Network
Policy & Procedure Manual
S Sp pi ir ri it tu ua al l C Ca ar re e
S Sp pi ir ri it tu ua al l C Ca ar re e S Se er rv vi ic ce e – – P Pr ro ov vi is si io on na al l S Su up pe er rv vi is si io on n
P Po ol li ic cy y
University Health Network and the Department of Spiritual Care are supportive as well as
encouraging of continued education and certification. The Department of Spiritual Care provides
educational opportunities at the basic, advanced and provisional supervisor levels laid out by
the Clinical Association of Spiritual Care.
For those staff interested in provisional supervision, it is the expectation that they will follow the
necessary procedure laid out below to determine ideal candidates.
P Pr ro oc ce ed du ur re e
1. Review and become familiar with provisional supervision process laid out by CASC
2. A Teaching Supervisor must be willing to oversee the Provisional Supervisor and write a
3. An interview will be conducted for staff currently employed by UHN. This interview team
will be made up of Teaching Supervisors outside of UHN in the GTA. The applicant must
contact the coordinator of Clinical Pastoral Education who will provide a list of
supervisors willing to conduct the interview.
4. If recommended by the interview team:
a. Application to be completed and sent to Regional Admitting Chair
b. The running of a provisional supervised unit may or may not be accommodated
into education programing in any given year.
c. The normal stipend of $15,000 for provisional supervisors will be waved for staff
d. The provisional candidate is responsible for the fees in conjunction to the CASC
e. Any hours above work hours will be considered education hours
This material has been prepared solely for use at University Health Network (UHN). UHN accepts no responsibility for use of this material by any
person or organization not associated with UHN. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without permission of
UHN. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on the UHN Intranet.
Policy Number 1-30-007 Original Date 07/14
Section Spiritual Care Services Revision Date(s)
Issued By Department of Spiritual Care Review Date 07/17
Approved By Clinical Director Page 1 of 1