Page 29 - December 2022
P. 29

I couldn’t see myself, until I actually                   He must recognize and accept
        experienced what my first husband had                      the other in himself. But if he

        felt, as well. When I saw my own behavior,
        and felt my own feelings toward that                    persists in his one-sidedness, the

        behavior, I was able to connect the dots                 two lions will tear each other to
        and forgive him and myself.                                                  pieces.

        This is a very moving story because she                integrated your own shadow.
        entered into this crucible consciously. She

        went into a relationship knowing full well  “If the projected conflict is to be healed,
        she had some stuck places and that she                 it must return into the psyche of the
        needed a relationship’s reflection to see              individual, where it had its unconscious

        herself. That to me is powerful. Most of               beginnings. He must celebrate a Last
        us caught in this kind of situation cannot             Supper with himself, and eat his own

        take back the projections. As in my own                flesh and drink his own blood; which
        story of my skin rash, her emotional body  means that he must recognize and accept
        helped her to process. Once you can feel               the other in himself. But if he persists in

        something in your body, you got it. She                his one-sidedness, the two lions will tear
        said, “I not only embraced the bitch in                each other to pieces. Is this perhaps the

        me, but my whole being forgave him as I                meaning of Christ’s teaching, that each
        recognized the violence in me!”                        must bear his own cross? For if you have
                                                               to endure yourself, how will you be able to

        When situations like this are repeating in  rend others also?
        your life, it is difficult because you have

        to admit it to yourself. “This is something                  Such reflections are justified by the
        about me. Something that I myself do or                   alchemical symbolism, as one can easily
        would secretly like to do.”                              see if one examines the so-called allegories

                                                                  a little more closely and does not dismiss
        She then said, “I was able to call him up                them at the start as worthless rubbish. The

        while he was still alive and say, “Gosh I               miraculous feeding with one’s own substance
        am really sorry.” She told him the truth                — so strangely reflecting its prototype, Christ
        about her two subsequent marriages                     — means nothing less than the integration of

        and said to him, “Please forgive me. I                  those parts of the personality which are still
        am very, very sorry.” She was able to go                          outside ego-consciousness.”

        through this process and complete it                   —Carl Jung, CW: 14, Mysterium
        because she could feel it. When you feel               Conuinctionis, paragraphs 512-513
        the forgiveness in your body, you have

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