Page 31 - December 2022
P. 31

even brilliant although clearly fascinated             Reflecting on those who push our buttons
        by the facile as they thrive on variety and            or repulse us and continuously going
        have a distinct need for constant mental               inside ourselves to ask for help from our

        stimulation however trivial.                           inner Self is how we do Shadow work. It

                                                               can become our way of being in the world
        It’s difficult to tie them down as they                as we become accustomed to knowing
        have so many social possibilities that                 that we are evolving, albeit slowly.
        it’s a challenge to get them to commit to

        anything. For example, let’s say you invite            A real gem of the miraculous enters the
        your Gemini friend or colleague over for               picture of our day-to-day journey when

        dinner or to an event. They tell you they              we get a glimpse of the divine working in
        might be there; they’d like to; but they are           all of our life’s twists and turns. As it says
        not sure; so they leave you hanging. Over              in the Bible, “God meant it all for good.”

        time, you notice they do it all the time
        as that is just the way they are. Gemini               I have always been intrigued by Jung’s

        energy which is mutable and air has a                  view of the soul. He didn’t use the term
        fickle, nervous, changeable characteristic             in the usual way that we hear of our soul
        or quality and like quick silver, doesn’t              in religious terms such as in theology.

        like to be contained. Peter Pan-like, they             He described our soul as a part of us that
        refuse to grow up and be responsible so                becomes our individual personality from

        many times can leave a trail of unfinished             the experiences of having a dialogue
        relationships or projects. Others see                  between our conscious and unconscious.
        them as unreliable and inconstant.

                                                               To be continued …
        There is also an amoral side to Gemini

        since they are a dual sign (twins)                     Rebeca Eigen
        displaying two in one, they can lie to you
        outright without blinking an eye. They

        can promote a position one day and then                           Schedule a Consultation
        take the opposite position the next day.

        Using their intellect and verbal skills for
        the sake of keeping things light and fun,
        they will play the devil’s advocate to stir

        the pot when things get too boring. This
        is the trickster side of Gemini.

        Life goes on in its evolutionary spiral
        of relationships, situations, and events.

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