Page 30 - December 2022
P. 30
Sagittarius –
The Philosopher
The sign of Sagittarius which is the You might also see that ruled by the
ninth sign of the zodiac (November 23 expansive planet Jupiter, they overdo,
through December 21). Developmentally overspend, are impractical and
from about forty-five to fifty-six, extravagant. You will also see they are
Sagittarians are the sign considered to visionary and prophetic as they see
be the wise teacher/seeking justice/the trends in the future no one else sees.
moral authority. This sign is motivated Cheerful, funny and optimistic, they
by the search for truth and meaning. can almost become ‘Pollyanna’ in their
Broadminded, they travel far and wide outlook, always seeing the glass not just
in their studies. Generous with their half full, but full to the top! Life obliges
time, resources and knowledge; they their hope and faith in positive outcomes
share their wisdom that comes from and many blessings come their way.
experiencing what they teach. Enjoying
foreign places and all religions, they Now what can be in the Shadow?
are philosophical and open-minded. The opposite sign of the zodiac is Gemini
This sign needs lots of room to roam so which describes a much more scattered,
freedom is a big deal. Sometimes they flighty, and talkative sign. Unlike
can express dogmatic and rigid views Sagittarius, their minds are skittish with
because they are so focused on what they a much shorter attention span. Curious
believe in. Honest to a fault, sometimes about a multitude of ideas and subjects,
blunt and rude, but you will know where they learn a little about a lot earning them
you stand with them as they will tell you. the title, jack-of-all-trades. Witty, smart,