Page 10 - November2022
P. 10
was that irritated him anyway and often. and my Dad would have had to
Sometimes exasperated, he would just back off. Vice versa, if my Dad
start screaming at her uncontrollably. had been able to express more of
his loving and kind nature (this
*[Usually, several astrological signs will be a was more apparent at the end of
factor in seeing a person’s character and our his life) and less self-centered and
astrology is not limited to our Sun sign. Every domineering, then the same is
sign of the zodiac has two sides, so I have also true.
extensive keywords + and - for each sign in
my workbook, online webinar, and also on To be fair to my Mom, my Dad
my web site.] was hell on wheels. She lived in a
time when Hispanic women of our
Then behind his back she could say to us culture did not assert themselves
children, “See how he is,” and we would easily. Confronting him would
all agree. True to her Scorpio nature, have been a very difficult thing for
she was very secretive and extremely my Mom to do so she submitted
sensitive emotionally. Her feelings would to his willful domination.
get deeply hurt by his domineering, Understandably with six children
brusque behavior, so she would passive- to raise, she had become
aggressively get even with him. My Mom dependent and was unwilling, (I
was also very identified with how good later figured out), to grow up and
she was. Much later as an adult, I realized fend for herself.
my parents were both very much the
same in many ways. They only appeared I was raised Catholic. I remember
to be different from each other because my Dad telling us, “I’m the devil.
they were so polarized. Fortunately, Your Mom’s an angel, and I don’t
they both knew their times of birth. know how she puts up with me. I
This gave me the opportunity to more just hope God takes me to heaven.”
fully understand the confusing family He was very identified with being
dynamics I had grown up with by seeing their darker half.
their birth charts.
A few years after my divorce, I
If only my Mom could have seen that took a psychological course called
she, too, was self-centered; that she, too, “Life Training” where it became
was domineering. She just wasn’t doing clear to me that when I was
it overtly; she was doing it covertly. Had married, we unknowingly repeated
she realized this she might have been their contract; their unconscious
willing to express herself more openly