Page 12 - November2022
P. 12

own marriages or business partnership
                                                               or we ourselves act out these inherited
                                                               archetypal energies to an extreme.

                                                               And this is where Astrology is so

                                                               interesting. Looking at their birth charts,
                                                               my Mom was a double Scorpio (Sun
                                                               and Moon) and Capricorn rising (1st)

                                                               and therefore the sign of Cancer is on
                                                               her 7th house cusp. She also had both

                                                               Jupiter and Neptune in the sign of Leo
                                                               in the 7th house. My Dad was a Sun
                                                               sign Leo, Scorpio rising with a Venus/

                                                               Neptune conjunction in Cancer. These
                                                               are the archetypes they projected onto
        own patterns that are set up at the very               each other, and more, but these explain

        beginning and usually come down from                   the Cross of Life diagram. It was really
        one generation to the next. As the Bible               interesting after my Dad died how the

        says, “the sins of the father are passed on  character traits he was overdoing, she
        to the children up to seven generations.”              began expressing. NOW, she wanted to
        We inherit this dance from our parents                 be the center of attention. He lived that

        just as they inherited it from theirs.                 energy out for her while he was alive.

        According to Jung, “So long as a positive   So, if we ourselves project our 4th or
        or negative resemblance to the parents                 7th House signs and planets onto the
        is the deciding factor in a love choice,               other person — they become the parent

        the release from the parental imago, and  figure instead of the equal. Freud says
        hence from childhood, is not complete.”                that when we marry that there are six
        Of course, we don’t consciously know                   people in the bed — our mother and

        that this is what is happening to us, but              father and their mother and father and
        it is. The opposite dynamics of either                 us. So, notice things about your parents,

        parent usually closely resemble our                    especially where their behavior is, or was,

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