Page 23 - February 2023
P. 23
on a daily basis and Unconsciously, we want and others have reached
it should last forever. to be mirrored and so we the conclusion that
However, as the high we will have to make
rate of divorces and search for an “other” that a concerted effort to
failed relationships show will complete us and fulfill usher in a brand new
us, after we get to know the indoctrinated collective paradigm for relating
the real person and our dream of perfect love. in the Age of Aquarius.
projections fade, we may It won’t be an easy
end up telling ourselves, “this must not be transition, but if we want to have what Carl
the right partner for us after all.” Jung called a psychologically conscious
relationship, then perceptions will need to
Another aspect of this is the longing for change about our views of true love.
a person who we can’t have for whatever
reason. Maybe they are not interested Aquarius is a completely different
right away, they are married or in archetype with very different goals than
another relationship, they live far away, Pisces (I will have more to say about that
they are of a different sexual orientation, next month in Part 2).
etc. There are too many reasons to
describe why longing and pining away PARADOX
for someone we cannot have exists There is a paradox in life, and to live
and fuels a fire of passion and longing. with this new way of being, we will have
Longing seems to be another part of this to accept the fact that everything in the
process of “falling in love” as it evokes psyche comes in pairs of opposites. We
fantasies of who we think they are must learn to live with ambiguity and
and what being with them will be like. uncertainty instead of black and white,
Remember, we don’t really know them! either/or thinking. My teacher, Jungian
analyst J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. says,
When I first learned Astrology, my main “He helps people navigate a gray world.”
interest in studying this symbolic language As I have said in previous articles, the
was to understand why relationships were biggest and first hurdle is to acknowledge
repeating for me and the people I was that there are people inside us in our
closest to. What was the mystery behind unconscious that we do not know. I don’t
this revolving door that we put ourselves care how old you are, how many years of
through hell to accomplish. Now, after experience you have as an astrologer or a
twenty-five+ years of hearing people’s psychotherapist, psychiatrist or Jungian
stories, watching people going in and out analyst, there is still more of you to know.
of marriages or relationships, painful and As long as we are here on this planet,
disheartening experiences in my own life, I we are still growing because the gradual 23