Page 28 - February 2023
P. 28
Aquarius –
The Awakener
The sign of Aquarius is the 11th sign of the friendship and freedom for each
zodiac (January 22 through February 21). individual to live their own unique path
Developmentally from about sixty-eight to is exemplified by the tolerant Aquarian
eighty, Aquarius, ruled by the transpersonal personality who values honesty and
planet, Uranus is a sign interested in differentness. It’s hard from the outside
awakening the collective to concepts and looking in to know what they are feeling
ideas that revolutionize outdated ultra as unlike their opposite sign, romantic
conservative systems and rules that keep Leo, they can disguise their desires
society stuck. A broad-minded idealist, and intentions, become erratically
the Aquarian is an objective thinker and unpredictable and coldly cut off anyone
believes too much emotionality can cloud that tries to get too personal, too fast.
perceptions and distort long-term goals for
truth and progress. Aquarians also gravitate towards group
involvement with others who are like-
When it comes to relationships that minded, humanitarians with vision for
require exclusive involvement, Aquarians change and higher consciousness. This
are somewhat cerebral, aloof and fulfills their desire to meet and converse
detached which requires an open- with as many different people as possible.
minded friend in their partner who
understands their drives and goals are Now what can be in the Shadow?
not personal. Extremely independent, The opposite sign of the zodiac is Leo
they will not allow anyone to possess ruled by the Sun. Leo is the most ego-
them or limit their movement. Therefore, oriented and often narcissistic of the signs