Page 27 - February 2023
P. 27

Where love reigns, there is no will to

                                                     power; and where the will to power is

                                                                      paramount, love is lacking.

        I want to share an excerpt from my                     to complement the individual journey. If
        Shadow Dance Workbook in examples of  it takes over, it never works, because then

        Shadow Work dialogues between myself  it throws both people out of balance and
        and my audience participant.                           it can’t work. You have to have individual
                                                               accountability, and if you put God on a

        Audience: “I got the same message when                 person, then they will do whatever it takes
        my husband died. I thought that he was                 to keep that intensity and glow alive, but

        my soul mate and he completed me.                      a part of them has to die to maintain
        When he died, I thought that part was                  this illusion because they can’t really be
        ripped out of me. First, I swore to myself             themselves. They can’t be true to who they

        that I’d never love again, but gradually,              are, and their Shadow will be more and
        after about five years, I got it that I’ll             more split-off because they need you to

        never love that way again. What I saw                  love them as the magnificent person you’ve
        as love was completely fantasy and what                dreamed them up to be.”
        I’ll bring to the next relationship, if there

        is one out there for me is not that we                 Rebeca: “Yes, that makes sense now.
        need each other for completion, but that               One guy kept saying to me, “You don’t

        we choose to be together while we work                 know me,” and it took years for me to
        on our own completion. A good analogy                  understand what he was trying to tell
        is two logs going down the river. They                 me. We have to tell each other the truth

        each have their individual path, but that              even when it hurts to do so. We want
        doesn’t take away from the fact that each              to know who that person really is, not

        log is going down the river. No matter                 who they’re pretending to be for their
        how close those logs get to each other, if             sake as well as ours. At the same time,
        they bump up against each other, they                  we have to make commitments to our

        are still on their own individual journey.             relationships for there to be a safe place
        Something about that shared journey has                to do shadow work.”

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