Page 25 - February 2023
P. 25

sign of Libra, ruled by the planet Venus               the beginning of every relationship that
        is the astrological sign of the scales                 becomes close or intimate. This works

        symbolizing the desire for balance,                    fine for a time, but a major reason we are
        harmony, peace, and beauty. In the                     drawn to a particular individual through
        natural zodiac, Libra is the ruler of the              love or hate is to see our many facets in

        7th House (marriage, partnership and                   the mirror they are holding up for us,
        open enemies, i.e. the shadow in us all).              although often to us it looks like it’s only

        EVERYONE has Libra somewhere in                        in them, not in us.
        their birth chart, and I truly believe it
        comes back to the Libra part of us to                  Synchonistically, this meeting often

        learn about our opposites. To develop                  occurs in alignment with the transiting
        a truly conscious relationship, owning                 planets and when a potential partner

        our shadow is the first step into our                  comes into our energy field, it appears to
        unconscious and the best place to                      us to be a fated encounter. I see this time
        begin “the work” is in our one-on-one                  and time again by looking at the birth

        relationships whether past or present.                 charts of those who are in relationships
        Reflecting and remembering our history  or married. It is no accident as both
        and memories of these relationships will  have similar energy that has drawn them

        help us know ourselves.                                to each other. Then, especially in the
                                                               beginning, our unconscious opposites will

        Additionally, our Venus and aspects                    be constellated through the other person;
        (conjunctions, squares, and oppositions                otherwise no attraction will take place.

        = mathematical angles) to Venus will
        give us indicators into our particular
        drives or needs for affection; what we

        find valuable; and who we will find
        attractive. Our particular Venus best

        describes the receptive feminine energy
        in our psyche.

                              Like diamonds, we have
                                 so many facets and

                                   some are easier to          These character traits are both positive
                                   identify than others.  and negative, so it’s not just negative traits
                                   Many unknown                that get projected. When positive, it is a

                                   parts we project            magnified idealization that we don’t think
                                  onto our partners            we are capable of ourselves, so we project

                               and that dynamic is             it outside into the “other,” and they will
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