Page 36 - JTI Profile_2019_English
P. 36

JTI Profile

            Industrial Development Center (IDC)

            intrOduCtiOn                                                  cenTer’s vIsIon                   ServiCeS rendered by tHe Center
            The Royal Commission in Jubail was keen to establish  in-                                       (1) business services
            dustrial development center in order to encourage people   To be the leading center in attracting male and fe-      Assist  in  preparing  a  plan  of  action  and  feasibility
            with such ideas and pioneers of young business,  men and   male  innovators  and  owners  of  newly  set  up  busi-  study for the project.
            women to turn their ideas into tangible projects, by sup-  nesses in the Kingdom.                 Assist in developing the strategies for marketing and
            porting them, whether through providing advice, project                                            communication.
            study or training, in addition to providing the proper loca-                                      Assist  in  developing  the  strategies  for  funding  and
            tion for the project and all services that might be needed.                                        long-term business plans.
                                                                                                              Market support services such as project website de-
                                                            Center’S ObjeCtiveS
            induStrial develOPMent Center (idC)                 Help Saudi Youth in building their own projects.   velopment.
            It is a specialized center that helps owners of leading proj-    Create new and permanent job opportunities in the
            ects and innovators to develop their projects and ideas and   market.                           (2) advisory services
            turn them into successful businesses.  The center helps as     Assist  in  turning  pioneering  ideas  into  an  existing       Assist  in  the  establishment  and  registration  of  the
            well in speeding the development of new projects through   projects.                               company.
            support,  assistance  and  advice  services.  The  center  also     Assist in linking with the sponsors     Development of the project plan.
            links owners of leading projects with the related finance,     Find  the  appropriate  atmosphere  for  newly  set  up     Manage and organize a feasibility study for the proj-
            experts,  and  institutions  (locally  and  internationally)  to   projects.                       ect.
            develop their projects.                                                                           Strategies of marketing and communication.
               The Center includes a branch for women located in                                              Market research and financial planning.
            Al-Deffi district, Al-Kods sector.

                         cenTer’s mIssIon
              Helping the owners of leading projects, innovators,
              and creators to turn their ideas and projects into a
              successful,  permanent  and  profitable  businesses  in
              the market.

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