Page 39 - JTI Profile_2019_English
P. 39
JTI Profile
Supervision of preliminary studies of training plans for To ensure the effectiveness of quality systems and to
academic departments. establish instructions and regulations that ensure the
Oversee the development of key performance indica- operation according to local and international stan-
tors related to the strategic plans. dards.
Monitor the implementation of strategic and opera- Establish the rules, procedures for monitoring and
tional plans and performance analysis results. periodic follow-up of the implementation of quality
Ensure that the requirements of customers are in co- assurance standards.
operation with different departments Develop policies, programs and work systems that
Apply international standards and their tools to in- achieve management objectives in the light of the In-
crease opportunities, strengthen strengths and devel- stitute’s quality strategy.
opment for improvement and risk management. Follow up the application of quality in different de-
Develop strategic budget plans and link them to op- partments of the Institute and provide the necessary
erational plans. reports.
Provide advisory services on strategic, operational Supervising the preparation of specialized studies in
plans and key performance indicators. the application of quality standards, and benefiting
from successful experiences in the field of quality ap-
Quality aSSuranCe dePartMent plications.
The quality assurance department ensures the implemen- Supervising the internal audit processes and develop-
tation of quality standards in the institute, spreading the ing the procedures of the Institute and documenting
culture of quality to improve performance, contributing to and simplifying them, in coordination with the con-
the preparation of programs and plans related to the im- cerned departments.
plementation of various quality programs, preparing the Oversee the preparation of procedures and models
necessary statistics and studies and providing all required suitable for various evaluation programs and provide
the progress. Taking into account the internal and external data and documents and suggesting ways of improvement them to the departments.
variables and the future vision of the Institute and the re- and development in cooperation with the concerned de- Provide recommendations and proposals for the as-
lationship of correlation and integration between the vari- partments. The Quality Assurance Department also fo- surance of quality.
ous departments and activities. The most important tasks cuses on the quality of procedures, as well as the quality Supervising the studies and statistical reports and
are: of the product or service. The activities of the department making appropriate recommendations that contrib-
Develop strategic and annual operational plans and summarizes as follows: ute to the development of the Institute.
support strategic activities.
To spread the culture of quality through the provision
of awareness and training programs. 39