Page 40 - JTI Profile_2019_English
P. 40

JTI Profile

            dePartMent  OF  develOPMent  and  aCadeMiC                                                         Supervise the implementation of the procedures ad-
            aCCreditatiOn                                                                                      opted by the Institute to obtain academic accredita-
            The department concerned with the administrative and                                               tion.
            supervisory  work  related  to  the  processes  of  building,                                      Follow-up on the renewal of accreditations previously
            supporting and updating the training curricula, following                                          obtained  from  national  and  international  academic
            up on their application, train the trainers and using the                                          accreditation bodies and organizations.
            modern training methods, in addition to providing techni-
            cal and advisory support to the academic departments to                                         The  most  important  achievements  of  the  Development
            ensure that the academic and institutional accreditation                                        and Quality Assurance
            standards are met and continuously developed to improve                                            The Institute obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certification –
            the efficiency and competitiveness of the institute and its                                        Quality Management System
            training outputs.                                                                                  The Institute obtained the certificate of ISO 22000:
            The most important activities of the department:                                                   2005 - Food safety management systems
               Supervising the design, development of training and                                            The Institute obtained the OASAS 18001 Certificate
               teaching plans in the academic departments in accor-                                            in Occupational Safety and Health.
               dance with the Institute’s vision.                                                              Provide  a  library  of  data  that  includes  number  of
               Participate in the work of preliminary studies of train-                                       reports and information as well as data for decision
               ing plans for academic departments.                                                             making and problem solving.
               Supervising the study, analysis and evaluation of the
               various programs and curricula of the Institute on a                                         Also, participating in the following:
               regular basis.                                                                                  Recognize JTI as Cisco Training Center
               Supervising the implementation of plans to develop                                             Recognize JTI as a training and testing center for EC-
               and modernize training curricula and apply modern      Establish fruitful partnerships with local and interna-  COUNCIL
               training methods.                               tional accreditation institutions in line with the Insti-     Recognize JTI as provider of the Microsoft Academy
               Follow-up of training activities and evaluation of pro-  tute’s vision.                        tests
               posals related to the development and modernization      Supervising the study and evaluation of the requests      Recognize JTI as ICDL testing and training center
               of curricula.                                   and needs of different academic departments to ob-     Recognize JTI as an international training and testing
               Supervise  the  training  and  development  of  trainers   tain academic credits and provide the technical and   center, as well as the TOEFL
               and follow up their performance.                advisory  support  required  to  obtain  academic  ac-     Recognize JTI as training and testing center for the
               Establish academic accreditation policies for the Insti-  creditation  from  the  accreditation  bodies,  whether   American Welding Society.
               tute in accordance with approved strategic plans.  national or international.

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