Page 37 - JTI Profile_2019_English
P. 37

JTI Profile

                                                                inCubatiOn PrOgraM at idC

                                                Phase 1                  Phase 2                   Phase 3

                                             pre incubation           Basic incubation            graduation
                                               (3-6 months)             (max 4 years)           (continual Process )

                                        1.  initial application to iDc  1.  linking to financial resources  1.  Following up with alumni
                                        2.  pioneers  training   2.  Follow up executing the feasi-  2.  inviting alumni to workshops
                                        3.  preparing Feasibility study  bility study and action plan  3.  provide marketing services for
                                                                 3.  entrepreneur special training  alumni
                                                                 4.  providing consultations

        (3) technical Services                            Other logistic services as required for the project.    for more InformaTIon
          The owner of the project at the center can take ad-    24 hours, seven days access to the facilities of the Cen-
            vantage  of  the  facilities  and  technical  workshops   ter.                                 Please contact the following address:
            available in Jubail Technical Institute, and also can ob-
            tain technical advice from the Institute specialists.  HOw tO aPPly FOr aFFiliateS PrOgraM          Industrial Development Center
                                                        You  can  apply  for  affiliates  program  at  the  Industrial   Jubail Technical Institute
        (4) training Services                           Development  Center  of  Jubail  Technical  Institute,  by   Support Industries, Street (112)
           The Center provides business pioneers with the ap-  filling  out  the  application  form  on  the  center  website:    P.O. Box 10335, Jubail Industrial City 31961
            propriate  training  on  how  they  can  perform  their   (                         Tel: +966 (13) 340-2694 or 340-2690
            businesses and how to implement the different busi-                                                 Fax: +966 (13) 340-2656
            ness areas or axes of the project, whether inside or   wHO Can aPPly FOr aFFiliateS PrOgraM
            outside the Center.                         Any male/female citizen has the right to apply for the cen-
                                                        ter’s affiliates program provided having an idea or a project
        (5) business Center Office Services             (industrial, commercial, or service) that meets the needs of
           Office equipped with a pc, telephone, and internet   the local market, and which is still going through the phase
            access.                                     of preparing, and willing to turn the idea or the project      idc_rc         idcrc
          Secretarial, typing, photocopying, and fax services.  into productive or service activity and becomes active in
          Meeting room and presentation hall.          the market in the future.

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