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ESG 50 Anniversary Fellow Profile
Judith K. Luebke, PhD, MCHES
Department of Health Science
Minnesota State University
Dr. Luebke received her PhD in Health Education and MA as Editor for the Monograph series. They assured me that I
in Sociology at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. would be up for the task and I must be a good writer since
Her research areas include social dimensions of health, I had published two articles in one Monograph. As editor,
food policy, professional preparation, wellness, I served on the Board of Directors.
environmental health, and technology and health. Her
hobbies include gardening and quilting. Dr. Luebke is A few years later I was appointed editor of The Health
interested in human rights and social justice. Educator and continued service on the Board. Throughout
my service to ESG nationally I had the great privilege and
How did your involvement with your local Eta Sigma pleasure to meet and learn from so many inspiring
Gamma begin? Gammans. I believe I was a Board member for least four
ESG President Elect/President/Past President cycles and
My first involvement with a local chapter of ESG began in witnessed such great growth, innovation, and dedication
graduate school when I became a member of Alpha Alpha with each term. And, I did get to spend at least 3 days every
Chapter at Southern Illinois University. With academic year in beautiful downtown Muncie!
background in different disciplines (sociology &
psychology) I welcomed the opportunity ESG offered to Please describe your most meaningful contribution –
gain understanding and skills in health education. Also, my your legacy so to speak - to ESG.
best friend was Alpha Alpha Chapter president so I had no
choice but to become a Gamman. I got involved with my I believe my most meaningful contribution to ESG has
current local ESG Chapter, Beta Kappa, as a “new faculty” been, I hope, helping students’ gain professional skills,
at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I became faculty confidence, and passion for health education. Through my
advisor quite a few years ago & have loved every (well, service and involvement in ESG, I hope I have imparted
almost) minute. some understanding of the values, rewards, and sometimes
challenges, of true professionalism.
What led to your becoming involved in national level
leadership of ESG? Which one thing do you wish you had done differently?
When I was a graduate student Gamman my academic I wish I could have helped make it possible for all health
advisor encouraged me to submit an article for the first education students to experience the benefits of
edition of the “Student Monograph”. I prepared two professional organizations and service to not only their
articles and had trouble determining which to submit. My careers, but their whole lives.
wise advisor said “Why not submit both?” So, I did and
both were accepted for publication. A few years later, as a Who were you most influenced by professionally? How
new faculty at MSUM, Herb Jones, Secretary & Bob and Why?
Synovitz, President on the Board of Directors at that time, Without a doubt, Dr. Elena Sliepcevich, my academic
contacted me and asked if I would be interested in serving
advisor in graduate school, wins my award of the most