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             professionally  influential  person  in  my  life.  After
             completing degrees in other disciplines and being between
             jobs  (it  was  a  recession  at  the  time)  and  working  on
             discovering my life’s purpose, I began taking classes as an
             “unclassified” student in health education. Dr. Sliepevich
             was faculty for one of those classes. When I asked her if
             she thought I had the abilities to complete a master’s degree
             in the department, she replied “No. You have abilities for
             a doctoral degree. Here’s the application, I will be honored
             to serve as your reference.” At that time I had no clue of
             her  tremendous  skills,  history  and  contributions  to  the
             profession. Two years later I had not only completed that
             degree,  but  I  had  learned  the  true  meaning  of
             professionalism-mostly  from  Dr.  Sliepevich’s  behaviors,
             style, passion and compassion. She showed you what was
             right, she rarely told you what was right—she left it up to
             you to figure it out.

             Probably much more frequently than I care to admit, when
             I  find  myself  facing  ethical  dilemmas,  professional
             conundrums, intractable situations, students & colleagues,
             I  ask  myself,  Ok  what  would  Dr.  Sliepcevich  do  about
             this?  That’s how I know what an influence she had upon
             my professionalism. And, I’m guessing that same influence
             extends to legions of health education professionals over
             her amazing career.

             What challenges do you think ESG as an organization
             will face in the next decade?

             With  all  the  competing  demands—financial,  academic,
             work,  family--upon  students  today,  I  think  it  will  be  a
             challenge  for  ESG  and  all  health  education  professional
             organizations  to  maintain  and  grow  membership.
             Maintaining currency and relevance for new generations of
             Gammans  might  also  present  some  challenges  for  our
             Honorary  given  the  incredible  pace  of  technological,
             political, social and economic change cycles.

             What 5 words best describe you?
             Calming, Caring, Insightful, Passionate, and Professional

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