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throughout  those  years,  were  blessed  to  receive  an   and is also on my list of influential professionals
             increasing number of excellent manuscript submissions.
                                                                 What challenges do you think ESG as an organization
             The second aspect of my editorial duties began in the late   will face in the next decade?
             spring of 1982, when Dr. Schaller got that “look” in his eye
             once  again---this  time,  he  proposed  that  we  also  add  a   The organization’s mission and goals are strong, and ESG
             monograph series, to be published 1-2 times per year and   is solidly grounded. I think an ongoing challenge that may
             feature special themes, including a once per year student   become  even  greater  with  the  multiplicity  of  people
             authored monograph issue. I walked out of his office with a   claiming knowledge and expertise in the area of preventive
             rather dazed look on my face, as I had just said “yes” once   health/health  coaching/health  guidance  is  to  continue
             more to becoming Editor of this publication as well!   advocating  for  the  profession  and  educating  others.  We
                                                                 need to position our students and young professionals to
             Which one thing do you wish you had done differently?   represent and advocate for the profession as a whole.
             We didn’t have the technology or the social media then that   What  challenges  do  you  think  Gammans  as  health
             we do today.  If we had had the capability, it would have   education professionals will be dealing with in the next
             been productive to host some virtual meetings where more   decade?
             could  attend,  as  well  as  our  annual  Board  of  Directors
             meetings. It would have been wonderful if Skype, WebEx,   Advocating for the profession, third party reimbursement
             or  other  such  programs  existed  back  then.  I  believe  we   for services, and staying on top of changing federal and
             could have used technology to meet more frequently and to   state legislation, policy, and trends
             receive input from members around the nation about issues
             concerning ESG.                                     What five words best describe you?
                                                                 Optimistic, Encourager, Faithful, Loyal, and Curious
             Whom  were  you  most  influenced  by  professionally?
             How and Why?                                        Any other comments/statements you wish to include?
             Within Eta Sigma Gamma, Dr. Robert Synovitz (ESG Co-  I’m so grateful that I was introduced to ESG so early in my
             founder), Dr. Loren Bensley, and Dr. Jim McKenzie all   career. Even though I was a returning adult student, with
             were great role models in that they were actively involved   20  years  of  experience  in  my  nursing  career,  ESG
             in the Honorary, were great spokespersons and advocates   introduced me to students and professionals alike, and gave
             for  the  profession,  and  were  committed  to  professional   me the unparalleled opportunity to share my career path
             development for students. Each of them was dedicated to   with  others  and  to  advocate  for  disease  prevention  and
             Eta  Sigma  Gamma  and  volunteered  many  hours  to  the   health education & promotion.  As a faculty member, and
             organization.  Another  leader  is  Dr.  Larry  Olsen,  who   particularly while I served in the presidential rotation, I was
             encouraged students to get involved in national, regional,   able to meet Gammans from all across the nation. I was
             and state professional organizations as a  means to  grow   honored  to  attend  several  new  chapter  installation
             their knowledge of current issues, to present their work and   ceremonies, and to spend time with those who represented
             learn from the work of others, and to meet colleagues from   the future of the profession. In the years since that time, I
             across the nation.  He also encouraged knowledge of the   have  been  honored  to  hear  from  graduates  and  ESG
             history of our profession and worked hard to connect other   members  who are  now doing life-changing  work in this
             leaders with students and young professionals.  In fact, as   country and abroad, to advance health for those with whom
             a  part  of  one  of  Dr.  Olsen’s  class  assignments  where   they work. I think for me it has come full circle, and I’m
             everyone literally drew the name of a founder out of a hat,   happy & thankful  for all I’ve been able to contribute to
             I drew Dorothy Nyswander, who was a pioneer for women   ESG, and all the ways I have been blessed by ESG.
             in public health education. I investigated and realized she
             would have been 93 at the time. I then discovered that not
             only was she still living, but that she loved to interact with
             students, so from Pennsylvania I called her in California,
             where she still hosted U.C. Berkley students in her home,
             and was honored to have a 20 minute conversation with
             her. She was amazing, lived well until her death at age 104,

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