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ESG 50 Anniversary Fellow Profile
Beverly Saxton Mahoney, RN, PhD, MCHES, FAAHE, FASHA
Professor and Associate Dean
School of Health Sciences
Liberty University
Dr. Mahoney received her PhD and M.S. in Health during those years was that I represented Eta Sigma
Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Gamma, and brought ESG’s voice to the historic National
Health Educator Competencies Update Project (CUP) as an
Her interest areas include health and aging, faith and Advisory Committee Member and also as Contributor to
health, women’s health issues, stress management, and the Competency-Based Framework for Health
smoking cessation. Educators—2006. That subsequently got me involved with
the National Commission for Health Education
How did your involvement with your local Eta Sigma Credentialing (NCHEC), where I served as both
Gamma begin?
Commissioner and Coordinator of the Division for
Certified Health Education Specialists (DBCHES), as well
I was a new graduate student in Health Education at The
Pennsylvania State University. Our chapter, Alpha Xi, had as serving on the National Health Educator Job Analysis
an active group and I joined my first semester, in the fall of (HEJA) 2010 Steering Committee and being a contributing
1987. author and contributor for the Competency-Based
Framework for Health Education Specialists—2010. I
What led to your becoming involved in national level loved representing Eta Sigma Gamma.
leadership of ESG?
I believe that my most meaningful contribution to the
I had the opportunity to get acquainted with several Honorary revolved around its publications. First, the
professional ESG members while at national conferences journal—my goal was to turn the publication into a peer-
for ASHA and AAHE/AAHPERD, and was very interested reviewed journal as soon as humanly possible. By the
in ESG. I first served as an ESG National Board Member Fall/Winter 1981 issue, the journal became peer-reviewed.
at Large in 1993-94. From there I was elected president- We had a board of Editorial Associates in place—six
elect and served the six-year rotation (1994-2001) as individuals who served as reviewers for submitted
president elect, president, and past president. manuscripts. They were: Drs. Jim Eddy, Jim McKenzie,
Melody Noland, Morgan Pigg, Mary Sutherland, and Bill
Please describe your most meaningful contribution – Yarber. I will always remember these special people with
your legacy so to speak - to ESG. fondness and appreciation for their generosity of time and
talents. These individuals were eventually followed by
It’s been many years since then, and because that rotation various other wonderful and talented colleagues who served
lasts for six years, it’s difficult to recall exactly what 2 year commitments as reviewers over the years.
happened when, but we did spend significant time working
on creating a strategic plan for the Honorary, to provide My service as Editor of The Eta Sigma Gamman (later
direction for the future. We also brought a student member renamed The Health Educator in 1992) continued for the
to the board at some point. One specific accomplishment next 15 years. We published two issues per year and