Page 116 - International Marketing
P. 116


                             118                   International Marketing       BRILLIANT'S

                                   potential in the African countries? Discuss a few problems
                                   which you may have to face while doing this IMR. (about 400
                                   words).                                   [MBA (FT) 2005]
                                 Market research is a basic tool for management decision making.
                             Market evaluation regarding the anticipated volume of sales, product
                             acceptability, the price in the market can bear as well as other demand
                             determinant variables is a must before a product manufacturing decision
                             is taken. While there is no point in manufacturing a product for which
                             there is no demand. Market research is the basic managerial instrument
                             for analysing the size, character and trend of the demand. Once the demand
                             potential is established, further research is required about the requirement
                             for actualising the potential. Through market research, data are to be
                             collected on the methods of distribution, promotional systems, alternative
                             pricing strategies etc.
                             International Marketing Research
                                 International marketing research is a  research that  evaluates
                             consumer, export  and import  statistics in  other parts of the  world.
                             International marketing research often reflects the way in which spending
                             patterns differ across the globe and are related to a region's culture, customs
                             and other socio-economic influences. International marketing research
                             can be especially challenging when attempting to gather data from remote
                             parts of the world, where language differences and limited accessibility to
                             outsiders pose communication barriers.
                                 International marketing research is especially critical to companies
                             that are planning to export their goods to other countries. Prior to embarking
                             on international sales, a company will want to determine whether or not
                             there is a demand for its product in other regions. The company will also
                             want to research any potential cultural conflicts that could impede the
                             profitability of the product or service they intend to export. For example,
                             the popularity of self-tanning products in many parts of North America and
                             Europe would not likely  to be a profitable export  to China - where  a
                             suntanned appearance is generally not considered attractive and where
                             products are infact sold to reverse or "clean off" a sun tan.
                                 Thus, international marketing research may be defined as:
                                 “the systematic and objective process of collecting, recording and
                             analyzing data for aid in making international marketing decisions”.
                                 International marketing research will cover the following aspects:
                                  Present and future size of the market for the relevant products or
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