Page 10 - PENTHOUSE LETTERS 2018 Writer Of The Year Award Jim McCartan
P. 10

OPEN SEASON                 BY Jim McCartan                Penthouse Letter Winner  2018

            He stilled my hand, and I almost cried.  cables. My young lover rocked me with the  get the hint. He did, and I was delighted.
          I almost begged him to fuck me. But all  rhythm of his thrusts, but then slid his left  “Ah, I know what you want.” But I was
          he wanted was a change of position. He  hand to my torso where his huge, warm  pretty sure he didn’t.
          got out of the car and walked around to  paw landed on my tummy, holding me in  As he pulled his cock out of me, I
          open my door. But he didn’t lead me to  place. He was reaching areas deep inside  pushed myself up from the edge of the
          the backseat. Instead, he took me to the  my cunt that had never been touched  car. I wanted to taste his beautiful cock.
          back of the car, near the garage’s cement  before. I was doing everything I could not  I wanted to look up at him from on my
          wall. He opened his trunk so we were  to moan and avoid drawing attention to  knees, on the pavement, and devour the
          sheltered from the view of anyone else in  what we were doing. If anyone interrupted  dick that had been bringing me such
          the parking garage. Then he leaned me  us, I would be crushed.    pleasure. He let me blow him for a few
          over the lip of the trunk, moved my panties  As my fingers clutched the cables, I  minutes, but then he lifted me to my feet.
          aside and sank his gorgeous cock into my  started to get a dirty idea. I pulled them  I grabbed the cables from the trunk and
          hot, slippery cunt.              out and into his view, wondering if he’d  gestured toward his spacious backseat,
            He was behind me taking long,                                   urging him onto his back. I took my time
          delicious thrusts. My cunt was slick with                         wrapping the cables around one wrist,
          excitement and pure pleasure. I almost                            then the other. Then I pushed my full
          wished I wasn’t as wet as I was so I could  “EVERY MUSCLE         weight on him, holding his arms above
          feel even more of his long, thick cock                            his head, allowing his tongue to brush my
          driving in and pulling out. I kept stretching  IN HIS BODY        tits as I got into position. He’d shown me
          my body deeper into his car’s trunk, as he                        what he could do. Now it was my turn.
          held me at the fold of my hips and drove  TENSED AS                 With one of my hands against his bound
          his cock deeper. He did this little move  HIS CLIMAX              arms and the other angling his beautiful
          as he penetrated, spiraling his hips so                           dick into me, I slowly slid down his cock. I
          his cock would angle up a bit inside me  THREATENED TO            ground onto him taking him as deeply as
          as he drew it out. Who knew the guy at                            I could, and he quickly hit bottom. I was
          reception was such an expert?        OVERTAKE HIM.”               stretched to the limit and packed with
           My hands skittered across the floor                              dick, but it felt perfect. I was surprised and
          of his trunk and rested on some jumper                            relieved and grateful for this.
                                                                              I rode him slowly until he begged for
                                                                            mercy. Every muscle in his body tensed as
                                                                            his climax threatened to overtake him.
                                                                              I pulled my dripping cunt off him and
                                                                            leaned over him to push one of my tits
                                                                            into his mouth. He reared up and bit and
                                                                            sucked me greedily. It was like my nipple
                                                                            was a hot wire directly linked to my clit.
                                                                            I felt the tug and pull of arousal as he
                                                                            suckled and nipped me.
                                                                              I loved the way his mouth felt on me,
                                                                            but I wanted so much more. My cunt
                                                                            was already seizing. I had to get his cock
                                                                            back inside me. I shoved him back again,
                                                                            arched my back and slammed down hard
                                                                            on his dick. It took only one more thrust
                                                                            before we both came hard. My cunt
                                                                            spasmed so intensely I never thought
                                                                            it would stop as his cock spurted deep
                                                                            inside me. We were writhing and groaning
                                                                            as we surrendered to our pleasure.
                                                                              I moved my hand from his wrists to his

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