Page 9 - PENTHOUSE LETTERS 2018 Writer Of The Year Award Jim McCartan
P. 9
he sat in the middle of his car’s backseat,
I faced the rearview mirror, with my hands
on the front seats. I slid up and down his
huge, hard cock. I’ll give him that much; he
had one gorgeous dick.
But right in the middle of me riding him—
as I was pushing myself up and down,
my hard nipples brushing the backs of my
hands as I moved forward and back to
take as much of his cock as I could—he
stopped us. Then he pushed me aside
and pulled out just as I was about to
come. What part of me moaning “fuck
me,” don’t you understand? And then
he reached around and—I kid you not—
adjusted the rearview mirror.
He said it was so he could see my face straightening my workout clothes as I
as I rode him, but I wasn’t so sure. went, so that reception guy wouldn’t
Either way, I moaned with so much “HE MOVED MY think I hung around the gym’s parking
pleasure at one point, he moved his hand garage fucking people. I strode across
from the muscles of my burning thigh PANTIES ASIDE the lot, quickly reaching the stairs and
and covered my mouth. I loved being ascending them with ease. On the next
muzzled—especially when he slid his finger AND SANK level I caught sight of my crush, waving
into my mouth. I sucked and sucked as I HIS COCK INTO to him as I neared his car. He had already
fucked him, my ass bouncing off of him started his vehicle but recognized me,
with every thrust. MY HOT, waved back and waited for me as I
But the mirror thing was stuck in my bounced up to his window.
head. What was it for—really? When he SLIPPERY CUNT.” My panties were so wet, I almost felt like
moved me off his cock again to reach I was coming already, but I knew I had to
for the damned rearview, tweaking the play it cool. He was so shy.
angle once more, I put it all together: He “Hey, you need a ride somewhere?” he
needed a better view of himself. He tried weeks we’d encountered one another I’d asked me as he rolled down his window.
to push my head down so he’d feel my begun wondering what his mouth would “Yeah, sure,” I said just so I could get in
mouth on his cock, but I pushed back. My feel like on me, how he would fuck, what his car. I was so flushed, and there was
pussy was so wet and aching for more. he’d like me to do to him. And then there so much wetness streaming between my
Was this guy kidding? Good news was: he was—going up the stairs to his car on legs I thought I might stain his seat. But I
The mirror was now at a perfect angle for the next level in that same parking garage. wanted in, and I wanted—so bad—to fuck
me to see something I’d had my eye on I pulled my panties back on and said to this guy. I was afraid what I might say next
for a long time. the narcissist next to me, “This was fun, would ruin everything.
My gym, like most, has a reception area, but I gotta go.” So instead, I got in, turned to him,
and there’s often this guy working there. He protested, of course, and he smiled and reached impulsively for his
He says “hi” to me when I check in. He begged me to suck him off. Wow, he just belt. Poor guy—he looked really confused
always gives me the plushest towel and didn’t get it. He had all the parts: nice at first, so I took my time unfastening his
always makes me laugh, even though we dick, nice face. But not a care for anyone buckle and slowly releasing the button on
only see each other for a few minutes. I’ve but himself.. his jeans. By the time I got to his zipper,
found myself timing my gym visits for when I grabbed my bag and sweetly said his huge cock was straining against
I think he might be on duty. He seems shy, good-bye, hopping out of the car and the seams. Thank God, I thought. I was
and I never see him working out, but I’ve heading across the parking lot briskly, aching and creaming and longing for a
really liked the moments when our paths before he had time to protest or even proper fuck that wouldn’t stop, and I knew
have crossed. It’s weird, but over the get his pants on to pursue me. I was he was my ticket to where I needed to go.