Page 5 - PENTHOUSE LETTERS 2018 Writer Of The Year Award Jim McCartan
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                                   Liquids Work Faster Than Pills

                                   Liquids absorb 98% and immediately goes into the body’s system.
                                                 Dr. Bross advises  erection  size can  be  3 inches  bigger,
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                                                                                    Hear about our passionate nights.
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                        Excites women better than Spanish fly.
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      SEND ORDER FORM AND PAYMENT TO:               Please Choose Which You Prefer Liquid or Pills  Liquid    Pills
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      Box 571030                     products and dept. code (shown  Testosterone Booster  For men 18 to 55 who  For men 18 to 45 who  Has our highest success rate for any
      Tarzana, CA 91357               left, next to company name).  Can increase sex  need that extra edge.  wants maximum penis  man 18 or older. Any penis size and
                                                           drive and performance  Can work in 5 to 6  enlargement can work in  can work in 2 to 3 months.
                                                                                 3 to 4 months.
      M Check  M Money Order  M Cash     30 Days Supply + 30 Days FREE  M $45  M $50  M $60    M $80   $ _______
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                                                One Year Supply  M $150  M $170    M $210      M $240  $ _______
      CREDIT CARD NO.                                       Quantities                                  Amount
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      _________________________________________________________  ____ 1 Bottle 48 Capsules .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   $48.75   $ _______
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                                                                  Three Free With Any 360 Days Supply Of Pro+Plus Liquid
      ADDRESS                                                ____ Sexciter Liquid to Excite Women $25.00 each FREE M  $ _______
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      CITY/STATE/ZIP                                         ____ PRO+PLUS Accelerator Cream  $25.00 each FREE M  $ _______
                                                             ____  Pleasure Principal DVD featuring Jon West $9.95  FREE M  $ _______
      _____________________________  __________________________
      EMAIL ADDRESS (optional)      PHONE NUMBER (optional)
                                                                                         TOTAL PURCHASE: $ ________
                                                             Pleasure Principal DVD  CA Residents add 9% sales tax: $ ________
      Orders discreetly shipped with UPS or Priority Mail.  Foreign Orders – Add $25.00 S&H.  FREE with any Pro+Plus  Shipping, Rush Service and Insurance $20.00 VALUE ONLY $  14.95
      COPYRIGHT ©1996 PRO+PLUS is a trade name of Avid Pro Medical. Individual results may vary. These statements have   Liquid order 60 days  TOTAL ENCLOSED OR CHARGED: $ ________
                                                             supply or more.
      not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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