Page 6 - PENTHOUSE LETTERS 2018 Writer Of The Year Award Jim McCartan
P. 6

OPEN SEASON                 BY Jim McCartan                  Penthouse Letter Winner  2018

             PRETTY PICTURES               I was still fantastically attracted to him,  aroused cock in his slacks.
                                           but maybe it would be fun to romp with a  I worked a sly hand between us and
                      hen the handsome man  20-something. The question was: Would a  grazed the bulge with my fingertips. He
                      with the distinguished  younger man be interested in me?  sucked in a tight breath.
                      gray in his hair started to  As if sensing my thoughts, George  “You want to go upstairs?” I asked.
                      turn away, I surreptitiously  said encouragingly, “You’re probably the  Ken’s head jerked in a nod. We made
          Wsnapped his picture with        hottest gal there. Guys are checking you  our way out and to the elevator. On the
          my phone and sent it to my hubby.  out right and left. They’re drooling in their  ride up, I pulled him to me and mashed
            Then I put the device to my ear and  cocktails over you.”       my mouth against his, our tongue clashed
          asked him: “What do you think?”    I grinned, and then I noticed a man  as we kissed greedily. I felt my pussy
            As always, this was an exciting game.  gazing directly at me. When I met his eyes,  flowing with need. His body was firm and
            I was still amazed at the technology  he looked away quickly, embarrassed. I  muscular, and his hard-on was amusingly
          that let me transmit the image straight to  took a picture and sent it.  conspicuous.
          George’s phone, where he could view                                 We burst into my room, still clutching
          my latest potential fling from a thousand                         at one another. We stumbled toward the
          miles away. My husband and I both travel                          waiting bed. My pulse was racing, and my
          for our jobs. “When we’re away, we’re  “I WRAPPED MY              body tingled with anticipation.
          allowed to play” has been the motto                                 Ken abruptly stopped and took a step
          of our immensely happy—and open—      LEGS AROUND                 back. Nervous hesitation returned to his
          marriage for almost 20 years.                                     finely molded face.
            “Hmmm.” George sounded dubious. “I     HIS WAIST.                 “What?” I panted, eager to tear his and
          think you can do better, Karina.”       HE FUCKED                 my clothes off.
            I chuckled. I was in the hotel’s bar, and                         He pointed at my left hand. “You’re
          with the convention, it was full of all kinds  ME HARDER,         married, right? Are you certain you want to
          of men.                                                           do this?”
            The particulars of our game had    POUNDING ME.”                  I looked at my wedding ring, then burst
          evolved over the years. George and I                              out laughing. He didn’t seem to know how
          had made space for extramarital sex                               to take that. Quickly, I got out my phone,
          from the very start of our marriage.                              explaining the situation. I thought it was
          Limiting the outside sexual fun to when  “Now you’re talking!” George crowed.  rather sweet that he was reluctant to fuck
          we were away from home worked for us.  “Go get him!”              a married woman.
          It avoided any uncomfortable situations  I pocketed the phone and started over  I shoved the cell phone at him. He took
          with clingy lovers.              toward the man. He was young-looking  it and spoke to George for a few seconds,
            But we still liked to share our  and handsome, with a firm build. He  then handed it back with a grin.
          adventures with one another. In the old  smiled shyly as I approached.  “That’s an amazing arrangement you
          days we used to just describe our flings.  “Hi,” he said, a little wide-eyed. “I’m sorry  have with your husband.”
          Later, George got the idea of taking along  if I was staring.”      “It works for us,” I said, and then I
          a camera in order to bring back a photo.  “What’s to be sorry about?” I said,  pounced on him.
          Now with cell phones we could almost  giving him a smoldering smile. I had  We tangled at the foot of the bed,
          participate in one another’s escapades.  maintained my shape through exercise  making a sexy comedy of getting
            I looked around the crowded bar some  and was confident in my body, but age  undressed. Our hands were everywhere.
          more, picked another guy roughly my age  had seasoned my face. I hoped to hell I  I explored his tight young body as it
          and snapped a picture.           wasn’t making a fool out of myself with this  became bare. He seized my breasts,
            A few seconds later George made  man who couldn’t be a day over 25.  plucking at my stiffened nipples, while
          an exasperated sound. “No! Come on,  We chatted. His name was Ken. He  I groped his ass. Together, we climbed
          Karina. Grab yourself somebody young. I  seemed nervous. I gradually moved closer  naked onto the bed.
          bet the place is full of studs in their 20s,  to him, until our bodies brushed in the  Our mouths met once again. The
          eager for an experienced woman to show  jammed bar. He flinched nervously, but I  kiss was intense but slower and more
          them what good sex is all about.”  pressed right against him, going for broke.  searching this time. Our tongues parried
            My hubby and I were both past 40.  I was relieved when I felt the swell of his  and melded. His strong arms held me,

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