Page 4 - PENTHOUSE LETTERS 2018 Writer Of The Year Award Jim McCartan
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                                                                               Publisher  Kelly Holland

                                                                           Executive Editor  Barbara Pizio
                                                                           PENTHOUSE 2018 - Letters Writer Winner 2018
                                                                                                            Jim McCartan

                                                                           Creative Director  Matt Westphalen
                                                                              Art Director  Victor Gonzalez
                                                                                      NEWSSTAND CONSULTANTS
                                                                                      WILLETT ASSOCIATES
                                                                                      Philip & John Willett
                                                                                      ADVERTISING AND MARKETING
                                                                         Advertising Inquiries
                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS
                                                                          Licensing Inquiries
                                                                     International Subscriptions

                                                                       Production Coordinator   Victor Gonzalez
                                                                          Photo Researcher  Zack Korn
                                                                                      EDITORIAL AND
                          Cover Girl: November 2016 Penthouse Pet Of The Month, Mary Moody  ADVERTISING OFFICE
                                                                                      8944 Mason Avenue,
               HE hot-blooded readers of Penthouse Letters have never been            Chatsworth, CA 91311
                                                                                      Tel: 310-280-1900
               shy about sharing their love for ladies, especially those of the
          T more experienced variety! So as the calendar turns to May and             ENTERTAINMENT/
                                                                                      LICENSING OFFICE
          many honor mothers for all they do, here at Letters we’re raising a
                                                                           Los Angeles, CA  310-280-1900
          glass to magnificent MILFs and sex-hungry cougars, who have their
          own special place in our fans’ hearts.
            Sure, there’s no denying the fresh-faced beauty of young coeds—           800-333-2802
          but the vintage vixens in this issue bring with them a lifetime of          FOR MORE INFORMATION ON
                                                                                      SUBSCRIPTIONS SEE PAGE 131
          experience, an insatiable erotic appetite and the confidence to go
          after exactly what they want.                                               CUSTOMER SERVICE
            This month, we share tales of cougars on the hunt and their hunky         Palm Coast Data
          boy toys—and frisky female playmates. College professors, successful        PO Box 420503
                                                                                      Palm Coast, FL 32142
          businesswomen and moms on the make take on lovers of all stripes to         800-333-2802
          sate their sexual desires—and dish on their amazing hookups.
            Have you had a close encounter with a cougar that was so
          incredible it deserves to be in the pages of Penthouse Letters?  PENTHOUSE LETTERS have been edited to conform to the magazine’s style requirements
                                                                     and to enhance readability. Names and other identifying characteristics have been changed
          Email us at, and share your story!   to ensure privacy. Handwritten material will be considered only if legible. Send each letter only
                                                                     once. We do not pay for letters. E-mail may be sent to
                                                                     PENTHOUSE LETTERS is a trademark of General Media Communications, Inc. Nothing may
          PRINTED IN USA                                             be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Any similarity between persons
          Copyright information located on page 131                  or places mentioned in the fiction or semifiction and real places or persons living or dead is
          Certificado de licitud de título No. 8554 de fecha 10 de Noviembre de 1994 y certificado de licitud  coincidental. Publisher disclaims any responsibility to return unsolicited editorial, graphic or pho-
          de contenido No. 5821 de fecha 10 Noviembre de 1994, expedidos por la comisión calificadora de  tographic material. All letters to PENTHOUSE LETTERS become its sole property, and may be
          publicaciones y revistas ilustradas, dependiente de la secretaria de gobernación, México. Reserva de titulo  published subject to editing at the editors’ sole discretion, and exploited in all media, all rights
          No. 3351/94 de fecha 13 de Diciembre de 1994, expedidos por la dirección general del derecho de autor,  for all purposes there in having been granted by our guest writer Jim  McCartan  2018
          dependiente de la secretaria de educación publica.
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