Page 8 - PENTHOUSE LETTERS 2018 Writer Of The Year Award Jim McCartan
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OPEN SEASON BY Jim McCartan PPPeeennnttthhhooouuussseee LLLeeetttttteeerrr WWWiiinnnnnneeerrr 222000111888
somewhat embarrassed again. grabbed a handful of hair and jammed my My climax sparked, starting in my pussy
“Sorry,” he said. “It’s just…no woman burning pussy against his mouth. Ecstasy but overflowing and spreading outward.
has ever sucked me like that.” swam through me, rising, then suddenly Ken’s face twisted with pleasure. He
I lay back, savoring the taste of his cresting until I came with a shout. moved so fast his thrusts nearly became a
come and feeling content to give him a He pushed up onto his knees, and blur as the bed bounced beneath us.
free pass for the rest of the night. Frankly, I I saw his dick was fiercely hard again. He let loose with a triumphant howl, and
felt proud of my cock-sucking talents. Nothing like youthful stamina to keep as a second load of come emptied into
But Ken was a sport. He turned and a party going. I grinned. He took that me, my second climax overtook me. The
started sucking on my tits. I basked in as his signal to go ahead and moved intensity was almost frightening. It poured
the pleasure of his lips on my nipples. forward. His cock hovered over my through me like lava, but the pleasure was
When he moved farther down my body, soaked pussy. Boldly, I reached down, fantastic. I held him inside me as the last
my excitement picked up again. I spread gripped his shaft and directed him jet jerked from him.
my legs, then closed my thighs around his into me. The act seemed to startle and We kissed, and an idle curiosity
strong shoulders as he settled into place. delight him. Probably no woman had entered my mind in the afterglow. I asked,
His hot breath tickled my pussy lips. ever guided him in like that before. “What exactly did my husband say to you
His tongue emerged and outlined my His cock plunged into me. He had a on the phone?”
entrance, skimming through my damp good size, and he reamed me to my core. Ken smiled shyly again. “He said, ‘Fuck
folds. Finally, he put his lips on mine, and I I crossed my wrists behind his neck and her good, young man.’”
felt his tongue slip inside me. met his thrusts, lifting my ass off the bed We both laughed. He’d certainly done
He was so earnest about it. As he licked and taking him deep. A fresh wave of as George had instructed.
and lapped, I made encouraging sounds pleasure began to build, the first wavelets
when he did something particularly right. lapping up my heated body. —K.P., via email
He followed my leads. His tongue lavished I watched his muscled form in full
attention on my swollen clit, making my action, moving on top of me. His tempo
hips beat against the mattress as my increased, and it felt like his cockhead WORKOUT
arousal soared out of control. was reaching my navel. I wrapped my legs
Ken drilled me with his tongue, and I around his waist. He fucked me harder, ith my full, bouncy tits,
humped against his face. I reached down, seriously pounding me. petite frame and blonde
hair, guys have always
flocked to me: the
W quarterbacks in high
school, the MBA types in college, the
lawyers at the gym who stare as I do yoga
poses between my cardio and weights
It doesn’t matter that I’m older and
married. Even now they still stare. No
man has ever cared that I wore a ring,
and besides, my husband and I have an
understanding. He has his fun, and I have
mine. Though I’ll admit I find it especially
fun picking up younger men.
I enjoy teasing them in my tight shorts
and a top that holds my tits just right.
When I catch someone staring while I’m
exercising, I take that as my cue to lean
lower and angle myself toward them.
Why not make gym visits a little more fun,
right? I even fucked a guy in his car in the
parking garage of the gym one time. As
6 Penthouse Letters Winner 2018 Jim McCartan