Page 10 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 10

Swami Tapovan Maharaj


          This article was originally an editorial written by Pujya Gurudev
          for the Usha magazine in January 1959 to mark Swami Tapovan
          Maharaj’s second Aradhana Day celebrations in Uttarkasi.

           he infinite Reality is ever   victory of the spirit over matter
        Tone and as such it is all-      which he has accomplished.
        pervading. The matter envelop-   Such a one is called a real
        ments, floating as it were, in the  saint, a prophet, a messiah, a
        Spirit, express themselves as    Buddha.
        sentient, just as an iron piece in  After serving the world for a
        contact with the fire gathers to  time, rehabilitating man and his
        itself the golden colour and the  society into a more harmonious
        heat of the fire. Spirit, identify-  and beneficial life pattern, the
        ing with matter, plays on the    equipment of expression around
        world stage as a distinct        Him withers away and He, the
        entity, having its own biologi-  Infinite, exists. As Spirit, He
        cal urges, emotional demands     expresses, thereafter, through all
        and intellectual restlessness. An  equipments functioning in the
        accomplished yogi is one who     entire universe.
        has ended his contact with          Sri Gurudev Swami Tapo-
        these inert matter assemblages   vanji was a saint of the highest
        and has regained his native      order of true divine vision, and
        glow as the pure infinite Con-   during this week we will be
        sciousness.                      celebrating in Uttarkasi, in His
          Such a godly one may, for      modest ‘Hut of Meditation’, the
        the benefit of the world, come   second anniversary of His great
        to express through his previous  merger. This is no time to
        equipments for a short number    mourn, nor is it a time of
        of years, singing the song of the  celebration. To try to manifest
        divine felt by him, expressing   such a masterly mind through
        the majesty of the infinite song  our life would be the greatest
        rising in him, roaring the       monument for such saints.

        Tapovan Prasad                10                   November  2017
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