Page 12 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 12
The Truth of Truths
he forests around the temple a design. The extent and scope
Tof Sarada, where there is a of His imagination is simply
dense growth of deodar and marvellous.
other holy trees, look deep blue What is creation? It is but the
and beautiful, and rambling manifestation of God in some
there was a source of entertain- particular form. As there is
ment to me. In how many nothing independent of God, as
shapes and forms does Paramat- there is no existence apart from
man show Himself! These Him, what is called world is
deadly poisonous plants and nothing other than God. But one
these that can bring the dead may ask how this world, which
back to life, these trees bending changes from moment to
under the heavy load of fruits, moment, which undergoes
and those that never bear fruit, gradual evolution and sudden
they are all the manifestations revolution, and above all, is
of God. Wonderful is His con- open to destruction, can be God.
ception! When we consider the If this world is God, God also
variety in external appearance must be subject to mutation and
and internal nature conceived destruction. But God is the
by the Creator in the produc- Reality. It is never destroyed. It
tion of the movable and immov- never changes. Everyone knows
able things, there seems to be that everything in the world is
no end to His fancy. Just as an evolving from moment to
artist conceives the picture in moment. A thing appears in one
his mind before actually draw- form today, in another form
ing it, the Supreme Artist must tomorrow and in yet another
have conceived the shape and form the day after. But within
nature of things before He all these changing things, there
created them. There can be no is something unchanging and
creation without imagination. eternal. That is God. Without a
Nothing can be created without thread, there is no garland of
flowers; similarly, without God
Excerpt from Wanderings in the Himalayas,
published by CCMT. there is no universe. How many
Tapovan Prasad 12 November 2017