Page 14 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 14
Krishnavatara – 4
Krishna: A Vedantic Insight player has to fill it with his
breath and manipulate the holes
Krishna is none other than to bring out the warbling notes
the principle of reality within of attractive melody.
each one of us, which the Vedic This body of ours is the flute;
literature called Brahman, the the five sense organs (jnanendri-
absolute, the essence. To the yas), the mind and intellect
human eyes, he is the Blue boy (mano-buddhi) and the indi-
of Brindavan, the flute-bearer vidual ego (jivatma bhavana) are
playing constantly on the flute. the eight holes. The body may
Each one of us is the flute. be very good-looking and beau-
The flute has eight holes, one tiful, but it is dead and inert if
each for the seven notes – the life is not there. Narayana’s
sapta svaras of the flute, and the breath flows through the body
hole through which the flute- and brings out the melody.
bearer breathes into the flute. Instead of allowing Him to sing
The flute is only a piece of whatever song He wants
bamboo. When it was a part of through us, you and I, the
the mother plant, there was no flutes, seem to decide today
music in it. Then we cut it and what the song should be. Just
make holes at the appropriate imagine the chaos if the
places. Even after that, it has no harmonium were to decide
music of its own. The flute what the song should be! If the
A problem is never solved by
succumbing to it. When we
maintain poise, problems and
SRI K. SEETHARAMA RAO challenges vanish like mist
before the rising sun.
Teacher, Mysore
Swami Chinmayananda
Tapovan Prasad 14 November 2017