Page 11 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 11
Kabas, mandirs, tombs and routine duties, especially in
Sivalingas have become stale towns and cities, is so madden-
representations of a formalistic ing that individual sadhana has
religion, which has no more become almost an impractical
light to guide, no message to proposition. The best that we
inspire, nor any dynamism to can do would be communal
lead our generations. attempts and congregational
Let us not bottle this efforts. I have been observing
wonderful spirit of Tapovan in that the members of the mission
stone caskets and bury His in all our five hundred and odd
spirit forever. The pillars of His branches are getting contact
victory over matter shall be with the great goal much better
raised in the hearts of each one than the thousands who are
of us. Let us try hard to build a away from the fold, struggling
temple of purity in our bosoms independently in their indi-
and capture within at least a ray vidual attempts. I am more than
of His effulgence for our convinced now of the need for
constant adoration. congregational prayers, commu-
Sadhana is the technique by nal prayers and communal
which alone such a sacred inner worship. This seems to be the
temple can be built by each one only answer for the dangerously
of us within us. The times are irreligious scheme of things
such and the hurry of our around us.
Swami Akhandanandaji Meets Swami Tapovan Maharaj
In Uttarkashi, he (Swami Akhandanandaji) met Sri Tapovan Swamiji, who
was simple, pleasant and sociable by nature. He travelled with Maharajshri
(Swami Akhandananda) to Gangotri. He used to tell Maharajshri,
“Akhandanandaji! Please come to Uttarakhand for good. The elderly saints
here are dropping their bodies one by one and there is no one to take their
place. If you can come and reside here, it will be a boon for sadhakas and
seekers in Uttarkashi. Take a vow not to descend beyond Rishikesh.”
He (Tapovan Maharaj) was a great saint with a loving heart. There was a
shower of sweetness in his conversation and dealings with people. All these
mahatmas used to gather in the temple of Lord Vishwanath every Monday
and discuss Vedanta.
Excerpt from the book Maharajshri by Br. Premanand ‘Dada’.
Tapovan Prasad 11 November 2017