Page 13 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 13

billions of worlds are joined to    All philosophers, old and
        ‘It’ and exist in ‘It’? Who can  new, arrive at the same point –
        count or calculate? That ‘It’ is  Advaita (Monism). That is inevi-
        the source, the  Atman, or       table; people of thoughtful
        Brahman. It is the one Reality   temperament cannot find peace
        that sustains and supports all   and quietude until they do so.
        that is unreal. There cannot be  Moksha is in the realization of
        two ‘realities’ or two indepen-  one’s oneness with God. We
        dent things. It is illogical. If  speak of gods and goddesses,
        there are two realities, the one  devotion and devotee, only in
        must necessarily limit the other.  an inaccurate way, only from
        The limited cannot be indepen-   the standpoint of a dvaitin (du-
        dent; it cannot control all else.  alist). After the realization of
          The Truth of truths is         oneness with God, there is no
        contained in the Vedantic theory  distinction between God and
        that only the one thing which is  devotee, and the word ‘devo-
        unlimited, and which is the      tion’ has no meaning. Hanu-
        basis of everything else, is the  man’s words to Sri Ramachan-
        Reality.   Modern     science    dra express the splendid truth:
        supports this theory with its de-  deh†ò(a tu dasae=h<
        duction that the entire universe     jIv†ò(a Tvd<zk>,
        originates from an unlimited     vStutStu Tvmevah<
        and   indestructible    force.
                                             #it me iniíta mit>.
        Whether others accept it or not,
        Truth is always Truth. That      dehadåñöyä tu däso’haà
                                             jévadåñöyä tvadaàçakaù,
        ‘Truth is One’ can never be      vastutastu tvamevähaà
        denied. As a result of modern        iti me niçcitä matiù.
        scientific developments and         From the standpoint of the
        formulation of new systems of
        philosophy, old beliefs and      physical body, I am Your
        theories may undergo modifica-   servant, from the standpoint
        tion, but the theory that ‘Reality  of the jéva (subtle body), I am
        is One’, that it is the basis of  a part of You, from the stand-
        everything, that it is the final  point of the Self, I am You;
        cause, that it is the life force that  this is my firm conviction.
        pervades all objects and shines     To the thinker, there is only
        perpetually, can never be called  One Living Thing and ‘It’
        in question …                    undergoes no change.

        Tapovan Prasad                13                   November  2017
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