Page 6 - Rehoboth Community Project
P. 6
Developing The Individual
To help them meet this objective, each resident will have the opportunity and be
actively encouraged to create their own unique Personal Development Plan, to
explore and address issues such as: health, emotional well-being, substance misuse,
education, training, employment preparation, leisure activities, and social skills.
Their Personal Development Plan will also include the practical life skills needed to
support the individual – which assists residents to acquire and develop practical
independent living skills such as cooking, budgeting, cleaning, household
maintenance, communication and problem solving, to enable them to be better
equipped to manage a tenancy and live within a community.
The self-catered rooms will give residents a safe space to put what they learn into
Opportunities for training and employability skills
The centre will have its own Training Room and aims to help residents take
advantage of a range of education, training and employment opportunities.